Possible to show console messages (written with `message`) in a shiny ui?


Solution 1

Yihui suggested I use withCallingHandlers, and that indeed let me to a solution. I wasn't quite sure how to use that function in a way that would do exactly what I needed because my problem was that I had a function that printed out several messages one at a time and using a naive approach only printed the last message. Here is the my first attempt (which works if you only have one message to show):

foo <- function() {

  ui = fluidPage(
    actionButton("btn","Click me"),
  server = function(input,output, session) {
    observeEvent(input$btn, {
        message = function(m) output$text <- renderPrint(m$message)

Notice how only two\n gets outputted. So my final solution was to use the html function from shinyjs package (disclaimer: I wrote that package), which lets me change or append to the HTML inside an element. It worked perfectly - now both messages got printed out in real-time.

foo <- function() {

  ui = fluidPage(
    actionButton("btn","Click me"),
  server = function(input,output, session) {
    observeEvent(input$btn, {
        shinyjs::html("text", "")
        message = function(m) {
          shinyjs::html(id = "text", html = m$message, add = TRUE)

Solution 2

I know this isn't nearly as elegant, but I worked around a bit similar problem using capture.output; sadly sink doesn't allow simultaneous capture of messages and output though. You don't get them in the original order, but you can extract both streams at least (here turned to HTML):

  ui = fluidPage(
  server = function(input,output, session) {
    output$test <- renderUI({
      paste(capture.output(type = "message", expr = { 
        message(capture.output(type = "output", expr = {
          cat("test cat<br>")
          message("test message")
          cat("test cat2<br>")
          message("test message2")
      }), collapse="<br>")


test message
test message2
test cat
test cat2

Perhaps in the case if user wants to capture both but also separate them, this will provide a handy work-around. (Your shinyjs package seems neat, need to take a look at it!)

Author by


R-Shiny consultant with a MSc in Bioinformatics and a Bachelor of Computer Science. Work experience as a software engineer and web developer. Life experience as a restless traveller with too many homes. Founder of AttaliTech Ltd. Author of the R packages shinyjs, timevis, ggExtra, ezknitr, and more. Creator of "Use Cases in Shiny" course - an interactive, online video course. See my projects page for more info or my shiny server for some of my R-Shiny apps.

Updated on July 18, 2022


  • DeanAttali
    DeanAttali almost 2 years

    I don't understand R's message vs cat vs print vs etc. too deeply, but I'm wondering if it's possible to capture messages and show them in a shiny app?

    Example: the following app can capture cat statements (and print statements as well) but not message statements

      ui = fluidPage(
      server = function(input,output, session) {
        output$test <- renderPrint({
          cat("test cat")
          message("test message")

    Cross post from the shiny-discuss Google group since I got 0 answers.

  • DeanAttali
    DeanAttali over 7 years
    The problem with this approach is that all the output gets printed at the end, it doesn't come in live. So if you run a slow function that prints output as it runs, you won't see it until it's done
  • geotheory
    geotheory about 7 years
    I tip my hat to you, sir.
  • Fábio
    Fábio over 6 years
    Thank you very much. I've had a function that printed message() text. With your solution I can edit the shinyjs::html(id = "text", html... line using HTML tags.
  • kennyB
    kennyB about 6 years
    This currently outputs the messages without line returns in between. Is this feasible to do? How would one do it?
  • alvaropr
    alvaropr over 5 years
    @kennyB Did you manage to find a way to inset a line return so messages are displayed in different lines? Thanks!
  • knapply
    knapply about 5 years
    This doesn't seem to work. Has anyone used this recently?
  • knapply
    knapply about 5 years
    @DeanAttali Something’s wacky on my end then. Thank you for checking!
  • quickreaction
    quickreaction about 4 years
    I'm trying to use this in a module framework... doesn't look like the namespace ns() is working properly with this solution...?
  • DeanAttali
    DeanAttali about 4 years
    That's possible, I haven't tried. Though to be honest, I've yet to see many things that break inside modules, usually it's a user error.
  • jbaums
    jbaums almost 4 years
    To add a line break after each message you can adjust to shinyjs::html(id = "text", html = paste0(m$message, '<br>'), add = TRUE)
  • panman
    panman almost 4 years
    @DeanAttali: This is very impressive, thank you very much. Is there a way, thou, to show the messages only in the Shiny UI, but not in the R console? That is, fully redirecting them to the UI.
  • DeanAttali
    DeanAttali almost 4 years
    Is there a way? Probably :) Is it going to be annoying to play around with code until you find it? Also probably :) I think that would be a different solution than what I came up with here. Look into the sink() function and perhaps have a sort of timer that checks on any new messages in a regular interval, that would be the first thing I'd look into.
  • lz100
    lz100 over 3 years
    @DeanAttali, Is it possible to capture cat and print to UI in real-time? If someone's function use cat or print, withCallingHandlers or tryCatch is not working.
  • Jeff Parker
    Jeff Parker about 3 years
    It seems this only works with observeEvent. Am I missing something for this to work on eventReactive?
  • Tarun Parmar
    Tarun Parmar about 3 years
    I am using sink() with reactiveFileReader() for the generated log file of console output and then using renderPrint() to display output by verbatimTextOutput() but it is not live. Couldn't find an good examples that can do the live line by line display of console to Shiny. @DeanAttali if you have any example of this that you could share, I would really appreciate that.