post increment vs pre increment - Javascript Optimization


Solution 1

This is what I read and could answer your question: "preincrement (++i) adds one to the value of i, then returns i; in contrast, i++ returns i then adds one to it, which in theory results in the creation of a temporary variable storing the value of i before the increment operation was applied".

Solution 2

This is a faux optimization. As far as I understand it, you're saving 1 op code. If you're looking to optimize your code with this technique, then you've gone the wrong way. Also, most compilers/interpreters will optimize this for you anyway (reference 1). In short I wouldn't worry about. But, if you're really worried, you should use i+=1.

Here's the quick-and-dirty benchmark I just did

var MAX = 1000000, t=0,i=0;

t = (new Date()).getTime();
for ( i=0; i<MAX;i++ ) {}
t = (new Date()).getTime() - t;


t = (new Date()).getTime();
for ( i=0; i<MAX;++i ) {}
t = (new Date()).getTime() - t;


t = (new Date()).getTime();
for ( i=0; i<MAX;i+=1 ) {}
t = (new Date()).getTime() - t;


Raw results

Post    Pre     +=
1071    1073    1060
1065    1048    1051
1070    1065    1060
1090    1070    1060
1070    1063    1068
1066    1060    1064
1053    1063    1054

Removed lowest and highest

Post    Pre     +=
1071    ----    1060
1065    ----    ----
1070    1065    1060
----    1070    1060
1070    1063    ----
1066    1060    1064
----    1063    1054


1068.4  1064.2  1059.6

Notice that this is over one million iterations and the results are within 9 milliseconds on average. Not really much of an optimization considering that most iterative processing in JavaScript is done over much smaller sets (DOM containers for example).

Solution 3

In theory, using a post-increment operator may produce a temporary. In practice, JavaScript compilers are smart enough to avoid that, especially in such trivial case.

For example, let's consider that sample code:

sh$ cat test.js 
function preInc(){
  for(i=0; i < 10; ++i)

function postInc(){
  for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

// force lazy compilation

In that case, the V8 compiler in NodeJS produces exactly the same bytecode (look esp. at opcodes 39-44 for the increment):

sh$ node --version
sh$ node --print-bytecode test.js | sed -nEe '/(pre|post)Inc/,/^\[/p'
[generating bytecode for function: preInc]
Parameter count 1
Frame size 24
   77 E> 0x1d4ea44cdad6 @    0 : 91                StackCheck 
   87 S> 0x1d4ea44cdad7 @    1 : 02                LdaZero 
   88 E> 0x1d4ea44cdad8 @    2 : 0c 00 03          StaGlobalSloppy [0], [3]
   94 S> 0x1d4ea44cdadb @    5 : 0a 00 05          LdaGlobal [0], [5]
         0x1d4ea44cdade @    8 : 1e fa             Star r0
         0x1d4ea44cdae0 @   10 : 03 0a             LdaSmi [10]
   94 E> 0x1d4ea44cdae2 @   12 : 5b fa 07          TestLessThan r0, [7]
         0x1d4ea44cdae5 @   15 : 86 23             JumpIfFalse [35] (0x1d4ea44cdb08 @ 50)
   83 E> 0x1d4ea44cdae7 @   17 : 91                StackCheck 
  109 S> 0x1d4ea44cdae8 @   18 : 0a 01 0d          LdaGlobal [1], [13]
         0x1d4ea44cdaeb @   21 : 1e f9             Star r1
  117 E> 0x1d4ea44cdaed @   23 : 20 f9 02 0f       LdaNamedProperty r1, [2], [15]
         0x1d4ea44cdaf1 @   27 : 1e fa             Star r0
  121 E> 0x1d4ea44cdaf3 @   29 : 0a 00 05          LdaGlobal [0], [5]
         0x1d4ea44cdaf6 @   32 : 1e f8             Star r2
  117 E> 0x1d4ea44cdaf8 @   34 : 4c fa f9 f8 0b    CallProperty1 r0, r1, r2, [11]
  102 S> 0x1d4ea44cdafd @   39 : 0a 00 05          LdaGlobal [0], [5]
         0x1d4ea44cdb00 @   42 : 41 0a             Inc [10]
  102 E> 0x1d4ea44cdb02 @   44 : 0c 00 08          StaGlobalSloppy [0], [8]
         0x1d4ea44cdb05 @   47 : 77 2a 00          JumpLoop [42], [0] (0x1d4ea44cdadb @ 5)
         0x1d4ea44cdb08 @   50 : 04                LdaUndefined 
  125 S> 0x1d4ea44cdb09 @   51 : 95                Return 
Constant pool (size = 3)
Handler Table (size = 16)
[generating bytecode for function: get]
[generating bytecode for function: postInc]
Parameter count 1
Frame size 24
  144 E> 0x1d4ea44d821e @    0 : 91                StackCheck 
  154 S> 0x1d4ea44d821f @    1 : 02                LdaZero 
  155 E> 0x1d4ea44d8220 @    2 : 0c 00 03          StaGlobalSloppy [0], [3]
  161 S> 0x1d4ea44d8223 @    5 : 0a 00 05          LdaGlobal [0], [5]
         0x1d4ea44d8226 @    8 : 1e fa             Star r0
         0x1d4ea44d8228 @   10 : 03 0a             LdaSmi [10]
  161 E> 0x1d4ea44d822a @   12 : 5b fa 07          TestLessThan r0, [7]
         0x1d4ea44d822d @   15 : 86 23             JumpIfFalse [35] (0x1d4ea44d8250 @ 50)
  150 E> 0x1d4ea44d822f @   17 : 91                StackCheck 
  176 S> 0x1d4ea44d8230 @   18 : 0a 01 0d          LdaGlobal [1], [13]
         0x1d4ea44d8233 @   21 : 1e f9             Star r1
  184 E> 0x1d4ea44d8235 @   23 : 20 f9 02 0f       LdaNamedProperty r1, [2], [15]
         0x1d4ea44d8239 @   27 : 1e fa             Star r0
  188 E> 0x1d4ea44d823b @   29 : 0a 00 05          LdaGlobal [0], [5]
         0x1d4ea44d823e @   32 : 1e f8             Star r2
  184 E> 0x1d4ea44d8240 @   34 : 4c fa f9 f8 0b    CallProperty1 r0, r1, r2, [11]
  168 S> 0x1d4ea44d8245 @   39 : 0a 00 05          LdaGlobal [0], [5]
         0x1d4ea44d8248 @   42 : 41 0a             Inc [10]
  168 E> 0x1d4ea44d824a @   44 : 0c 00 08          StaGlobalSloppy [0], [8]
         0x1d4ea44d824d @   47 : 77 2a 00          JumpLoop [42], [0] (0x1d4ea44d8223 @ 5)
         0x1d4ea44d8250 @   50 : 04                LdaUndefined 
  192 S> 0x1d4ea44d8251 @   51 : 95                Return 
Constant pool (size = 3)
Handler Table (size = 16)

Of course, other JavaScript compilers/interpreters may do otherwise, but this is doubtful.

As the last word, for what it worth, I nevertheless consider as a best practice to use pre-increment when possible: since I frequently switch languages, I prefer using the syntax with the correct semantic for what I want, instead of relying on compiler smartness. For example, modern C compilers won't make any difference either. But in C++, this can have a significant impact with overloaded operator++.

Solution 4

Anatoliy's test included a post-increment inside the pre-increment test function :(

Here are the results without this side effect...

function test_post() {
    var i = 1000000, x = 0;
    do x++; while(i--);

function test_pre() {
    var i = 1000000, x = 0;
    do ++x; while(--i);



postIncrement: 3.21ms
preIncrement: 2.4ms
postIncrement: 3.03ms
preIncrement: 2.3ms
postIncrement: 2.53ms
preIncrement: 1.93ms
postIncrement: 2.54ms
preIncrement: 1.9ms

That's a big difference.

Solution 5

Sounds like premature optimization. When you're nearly done your app, check where the bottlenecks are and optimize those as needed. But if you want a thorough guide to loop performance, check this out:

But you never know when this will become obsolete because of JS engine improvements and variations between browsers. Best choice is to not worry about it until it's a problem. Make your code clear to read.

Edit: According to this guy the pre vs. post is statistically insignificant. (with pre possibly being worse)

Author by


Hello! MSc CS Imperial College London BComp CS National University of Singapore. Github: LinkedIn:

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • mauris
    mauris almost 2 years

    I was browsing Google Code when I chanced upon this project called JSpeed - optimization for Javascript.

    I noticed one of the optimization was to change i++ to ++i in for loop statements.

    Before Optimization

    for (i=0;i<1;i++) {}
    for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < 1000000; i++, j++) {
        if (i == 4) {
            var tmp = i / 2;
        if ((i % 2) == 0) {
            var tmp = i / 2;
    var arr = new Array(1000000);
    for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {}

    After optimization

    for(var i=0;i<1;++i){}
    for(var i=0,j=0;i<1000000;++i,++j){if(i==4){var tmp=i>>1;}
    if((i&1)==0){var tmp=i>>1;i++;}}
    var arr=new Array(1000000);for(var i=0,arr_len=arr.length;i<arr_len;++i){}

    I know what pre and post increments do, but any idea how does this speeds the code up?

    • ChaosPandion
      ChaosPandion over 14 years
      Does optimization mean squeezing all the code together to make it unreadable? Genius!
    • mauris
      mauris over 14 years
      nope. optimization is actually to improve and speed up certain parts of the code making it efficient and less CPU-costing. squeezing code together making it unreadable might be also called packing or minifying - and that is not necessary optimization, since it takes time to unpack.
    • Justin Johnson
      Justin Johnson over 14 years
      Since when does parser doesn't need to unpack anything? The optimization here is transport, not performance.
    • mauris
      mauris over 14 years
      unpack - if you read about Dean Edward's packer, it takes time for the code to be evaled and so on.
    • bgw
      bgw over 14 years
      This is also true in many other languages/compilers.
    • amwinter
      amwinter over 11 years
      The performance of the code is important, yes, but so is the condition of your finger-muscles. Typing i++) is easier than ++i) because you depress shift once instead of twice. Battling the compiler over language internals won't do you any good if you give yourself carpal tunnel in the process.
    • dev_willis
      dev_willis over 9 years
      Whether or not this optimizes execution time I don't know but what I do know is that post and pre increment/decrement are not interchangeable in many circumstances and will produce different results. Fence post errors seem a likely result. I would avoid this "optimizer."
    • mins
      mins over 7 years
      There is actually an optimization, the divisions by 2 have been replaced by a right shit operation.
  • Glenn
    Glenn over 14 years
    There is some evidence that pre vs. post does make a difference...depending on the engine.
  • Taylor Leese
    Taylor Leese over 14 years
    Can you provide a source? That doesn't make much sense to me.
  • mauris
    mauris over 14 years
    i know there are other optimizations as well. but if this is not considered part of optimization then why does JSpeed bother including this changing post to pre increment?
  • mauris
    mauris over 14 years
    it's more of the increment part rather than the way to access arrays. i know how for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++) can slow down the code (each iteration calls arr.length) - but not how pre and post increment
  • Taylor Leese
    Taylor Leese over 14 years
    I don't see anything in your link that discusses pre vs post increment.
  • Taylor Leese
    Taylor Leese over 14 years
    The link doesn't reference anything about pre vs. post increment.
  • Glenn
    Glenn over 14 years
    Ha! I'm blind. There's no pre vs post in my link. Checking for a proper reference now.
  • Glenn
    Glenn over 14 years
    Yeah. My mistake. Ignore most of what I've said. I have foggy memories of reading some tests where it did make a difference.
  • mauris
    mauris over 14 years
    i've already done the test on firefox. doesn't have much diff as well. theory given on the other answer might be just the answer. thanks for the effort!
  • KooiInc
    KooiInc over 14 years
    It came from:…. As I understand, the practice may be different per compiler. By the way: via you may learn more about javascript optimization.
  • mP.
    mP. over 14 years
    Who cares speed wise. Unless you JavaScript is doing zillions it's nit going to be noticable by the end user.
  • mauris
    mauris over 14 years
    @mP - agreed. but some browsers coughIE... =D
  • mauris
    mauris over 14 years
    Hi Kooilnc - yep saw that blog post by googling. thanks a lot.
  • mauris
    mauris over 14 years
    to fill up the 15 characters minimum. anyway, 1 op * n iterations can be a lot.
  • Justin Johnson
    Justin Johnson over 14 years
    My point was that the difference is negligible and can't really be differentiated in smaller datasets (<1000), which is more common in JavaScript than larger data sets. Typically, datasets that are iterated over in JavaScript are DOM collections, which are typically under 200 members. Even still, the bottle neck in these situations is the DOM, not the minimal optimization of pre vs post vs +=
  • moala
    moala about 11 years
    @mP. maybe now with Node.js…
  • hswner
    hswner almost 10 years
    see this performance test:…
  • Mike Dunlavey
    Mike Dunlavey almost 10 years
    I think the reason those are different is because while(i--) has to save the value of i, then decrement i, then examine the prior value of i to decide if the loop is finished. while(--i) does not have to do that extra work. It's very unusual to use i-- or i++ in a conditional test. Certainly in the increment operation of a for statement, but not in a conditional test.
  • Elvedin Hamzagic
    Elvedin Hamzagic over 9 years
    When you use --i, you should set it to 1000001, because it will end up earlier :) But of course, it's not a big difference.
  • simpleuser
    simpleuser over 8 years
    @mauris - "1 op * n iterations can be a lot" only if considered absolutely; in any real code it will be only a tiny part of the entire loop and so when looked at relatively to the whole operation will be negligible. a 9 ms difference on a loop that takes 1s means it is not important
  • abdulwadood
    abdulwadood over 7 years
    i = 1; i = i++; console.log(i); // 1 i = 1; i = ++i; console.log(i); // 2
  • Timmmm
    Timmmm over 4 years
    I don't think this is good enough evidence to say i += 1 is any better. The numbers are too close - better to check the bytecode as Sylvian Leroux did.