Postgres JSON data type Rails query


Solution 1

For any who stumbles upon this. I have come up with a list of queries using ActiveRecord and Postgres' JSON data type. Feel free to edit this to make it more clear.

Documentation to the JSON operators used below:

# Sort based on the Hstore data:
Post.order("data->'hello' DESC")
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [
    #<Post id: 4, data: {"hi"=>"23", "hello"=>"22"}>, 
    #<Post id: 3, data: {"hi"=>"13", "hello"=>"21"}>, 
    #<Post id: 2, data: {"hi"=>"3", "hello"=>"2"}>, 
    #<Post id: 1, data: {"hi"=>"2", "hello"=>"1"}>]> 

# Where inside a JSON object:
Record.where("data ->> 'likelihood' = '0.89'")

# Example json object:
=> {"data1"=>[1, 2, 3], 
    "array"=>[{"hello"=>1}, {"hi"=>2}], 

# Nested search:
Record.where("column_data -> 'nest' ->> 'nest1' = 'yes' ")

# Search within array:
Record.where("column_data #>> '{data1,1}' = '2' ")

# Search within a value that's an array:
Record.where("column_data #> '{array,0}' ->> 'hello' = '1' ")
# this only find for one element of the array. 

# All elements:
Record.where("column_data ->> 'array' LIKE '%hello%' ") # bad
Record.where("column_data ->> 'array' LIKE ?", "%hello%") # good

Solution 2

According to this there's a difference in using -> and ->>:

# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_events.rb
create_table :events do |t|
  t.json 'payload'

# app/models/event.rb
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base

# Usage
Event.create(payload: { kind: "user_renamed", change: ["jack", "john"]})

event = Event.first
event.payload # => {"kind"=>"user_renamed", "change"=>["jack", "john"]}

## Query based on JSON document
# The -> operator returns the original JSON type (which might be an object), whereas ->> returns text
Event.where("payload->>'kind' = ?", "user_renamed")

So you should try Record.where("data ->> 'status' = 200 ") or the operator that suits your query (

Solution 3

Your question doesn't seem to correspond to the data you've shown, but if your table is named users and data is a field in that table with JSON like {count:123}, then the query

SELECT * WHERE data->'count' > 500 FROM users

will work. Take a look at your database schema to make sure you understand the layout and check that the query works before complicating it with Rails conventions.

Mohamed El Mahallawy
Author by

Mohamed El Mahallawy

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Mohamed El Mahallawy
    Mohamed El Mahallawy almost 2 years

    I am using Postgres' json data type but want to do a query/ordering with data that is nested within the json.

    I want to order or query with .where on the json data type. For example, I want to query for users that have a follower count > 500 or I want to order by follower or following count.



    model User
    data: {
           {"type"=>"facebook", "type_id"=>"facebook", "type_name"=>"Facebook", "url"=>""}
             {"type"=>"vimeo", "type_id"=>"vimeo", "type_name"=>"Vimeo", "url"=>"", "username"=>"v", "id"=>"1"},
             {"bio"=>"I am not a person, but a series of plants", "followers"=>1500, "following"=>240, "type"=>"twitter", "type_id"=>"twitter", "type_name"=>"Twitter", "url"=>"", "username"=>"123", "id"=>"123"}