PostgreSQL parameterized Order By / Limit in table function


Solution 1

There is nothing wrong with a plpgsql function for anything a little more complex. The only situation where performance can suffer is when a plpgsql function is nested, because the query planner cannot further optimize the contained code in the context of the outer query which may or may not make it slower.
More details in this later answer:

This is much simpler than lots of CASE clauses in a query:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_stuff(_param text, _orderby text, _limit int)
      SELECT *
      FROM   stuff
      WHERE  col = $1
      ORDER  BY ' || quote_ident(_orderby) || ' ASC
      LIMIT  $2'
   USING _param, _limit;
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM get_stuff('hello', 'col2', 100);


Use RETURN QUERY EXECUTE to return the results of query in one go.

Use quote_ident() for identifiers to safeguard against SQLi.
Or format() for anything more complex. See:

Pass parameter values with the USING clause to avoid casting, quoting and SQLi once again.

Be careful not to create naming conflicts between parameters and column names. I prefixed parameter names with an underscore (_) in the example. Just my personal preference.

Your second function after the edit cannot work, because you only return parent while the return type is declared SETOF stuff. You can declare any return type you like, but actual return values have to match the declaration. You might want to use RETURNS TABLE for that.

Solution 2

If your function is stable (does not modify the database), the query planner will typically inline it. Therefore, doing SELECT * FROM getStuff('x') LIMIT 10 will produce the same query plan as if the limit were inside getStuff().

However, you need to tell PG your function is stable by declaring it as such:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getStuff(param varchar)
AS $$ ... $$;

Now doing EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM getStuff('x') LIMIT 1 should produce the same query plan as writing out the equivalent query would.

The inlining should also work for ORDER BY clauses outside the function. But if you wanted to parameterize the function to determine the order by, you could do it like this to also control the sort direction:

CREATE FUNCTION sort_stuff(sort_col TEXT, sort_dir TEXT DEFAULT 'asc')
AS $$
    SELECT *
    FROM stuff
      -- Simplified to NULL if not sorting in ascending order.
      CASE WHEN sort_dir = 'asc' THEN
          CASE sort_col
              -- Check for each possible value of sort_col.
              WHEN 'col1' THEN col1
              WHEN 'col2' THEN col2
              WHEN 'col3' THEN col3
              --- etc.
              ELSE NULL

      -- Same as before, but for sort_dir = 'desc'
      CASE WHEN sort_dir = 'desc' THEN
          CASE sort_col
              WHEN 'col1' THEN col1
              WHEN 'col2' THEN col2
              WHEN 'col3' THEN col3
              ELSE NULL

As long as sort_col and sort_dir are constant within the query, the query planner should be able to simplify the verbose looking query to

FROM stuff
ORDER BY <sort_col> <sort_dir>

which you can verify using EXPLAIN.

Solution 3

As to the ORDER BY you could try something like this:

    <column list>
    col1 = $1
    CASE $2
        WHEN 'col1' THEN col1
        WHEN 'col2' THEN col2
        WHEN 'col3' THEN col3
        ELSE col1  -- Or whatever your default should be

You might have to do some data type conversions so that all of the data types in the CASE result match. Just be careful about converting numerics to strings - you'll have to prepend 0s to make them order correctly. The same goes for date/time values. Order by a format that has year followed by month followed by day, etc.

I've done this in SQL Server, but never in PostgreSQL, and I don't have a copy of PostgreSQL on this machine, so this is untested.

Solution 4

Using Format function Even with ilike fancy operator.

      _param text, _orderby text, _limit int)
      RETURNS SETOF customer AS

      SELECT *
      FROM   customer
      WHERE  first_name ilike ''%%%s%%''
      ORDER  BY  %I DESC
      LIMIT  %L',
      _param, _orderby, _limit );
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Format reference:

Author by


Updated on December 13, 2021


  • JoshuaBoshi
    JoshuaBoshi over 2 years

    I have a sql function that does a simple sql select statement:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getStuff(param character varying)
      RETURNS SETOF stuff AS
        select *
        from stuff
        where col = $1
      LANGUAGE sql;

    For now I am invoking this function like this:

    select * from getStuff('hello');

    What are my options if I need to order and limit the results with order by and limit clauses?

    I guess a query like this:

    select * from getStuff('hello') order by col2 limit 100;

    would not be very efficient, because all rows from table stuff will be returned by function getStuff and only then ordered and sliced by limit.

    But even if I am right, there is no easy way how to pass the order by argument of an sql language function. Only values can be passed, not parts of sql statement.

    Another option is to create the function in plpgsql language, where it is possible to construct the query and execute it via EXECUTE. But this is not a very nice approach either.

    So, is there any other method of achieving this? Or what option would you choose? Ordering/limiting outside the function, or plpgsql?

    I am using postgresql 9.1.


    I modified the CREATE FUNCTION statement like this:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getStuff(param character varying, orderby character varying)
      RETURNS SETOF stuff AS
        select t.*
        from stuff t
        where col = $1
        ORDER BY
            CASE WHEN $2 = 'parent' THEN t.parent END,
            CASE WHEN $2 = 'type' THEN t."type" END, 
            CASE WHEN $2 = 'title' THEN t.title END
      LANGUAGE sql;

    This throws:

    ERROR: CASE types character varying and integer cannot be matched ŘÁDKA 13: WHEN $1 = 'parent' THEN t.parent

    The stuff table looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE stuff
          id integer serial,
          "type" integer NOT NULL,
          parent integer,
          title character varying(100) NOT NULL,
          description text,
          CONSTRAINT "pkId" PRIMARY KEY (id),


    I have badly read Dems code. I have corrected it to question. This code is working for me.

  • MatBailie
    MatBailie over 12 years
    1) you need to replace 1 with a. 2) This will prevent the optimiser from being able to use indexes, etc. It does yield a single query for multiple purposes, but one should this against dynamic sql to check what the performance overhead is. (Only one plan can be created for each single query, but different order by clauses may require different plans to be efficient.)
  • MatBailie
    MatBailie over 12 years
    To avoid the data type problem... ORDER BY CASE WHEN $2 = 'a' THEN a END, CASE WHEN $2 = 'b' THEN b END, etc, etc. But note, this has the same optimisation problem as I mentioned on soulcheck's answer.
  • soulcheck
    soulcheck over 12 years
    It's correct, it orders by first column descending or ascending depending on whether a is equal to 'asc' or not. but i'll edit anyway to make it clearer.
  • Tom H
    Tom H over 12 years
    That's not the data type problem that I was referring to. Obvisously $2 will always be the same data type. If column a and column b are different data types though then it might cause some issues.
  • MatBailie
    MatBailie over 12 years
    The example I gave deals with that by having each field as a separate clause in the ORDER BY. The CASE statements yield ORDER BY null, null, x, null (for example), and so results in data type independence.
  • JoshuaBoshi
    JoshuaBoshi over 12 years
    Thank you for your answers and comments. I am using Dems's version of CASE but postgresql throws: ERROR: CASE types character varying and integer cannot be matched when i try to create the function (on position after THEN - weird). I will edit the question and add full source...
  • Tom H
    Tom H over 12 years
    Exactly the issue that I was talking about. You need to make sure that you convert all of the results to the same data type.
  • MatBailie
    MatBailie over 12 years
    Does postgres require the ELSE statement? ORDER BY (CASE WHEN $2 = 'a' THEN table.a ELSE NULL END), (CASE WHEN $2 = 'b' THEN table.b ELSE NULL END), etc, etc?
  • JoshuaBoshi
    JoshuaBoshi over 12 years
    @TomH Sorry, I have read the dems code badly, and I have not make separate CASE for each "branch". Now it is working and it makes sence :-)
  • JoshuaBoshi
    JoshuaBoshi over 12 years
    @Dems Sorry, see my previous comment here .-X
  • JoshuaBoshi
    JoshuaBoshi over 12 years
    Brandstetter: Wow, now you have learned me some plpgsql :-) I have had no idea about RETURN QUERY EXECUTE and USING. This is really elegant solution, and i have no worries about plpgsql method now. Thank you very much!
  • asnyder
    asnyder over 10 years
    This is not legal. You can't have ASC or DESC inside the expression.
  • soulcheck
    soulcheck over 10 years
    @asnyder yeah, it was an example of what will not work ;) Very old answer so the quality leaves much to be desired.
  • Sachin
    Sachin about 6 years
    how can I add ASC or DESC with it?
  • Sachin
    Sachin about 6 years
    @erwin: I want to do it dynamic as it is done for _orderby. I want to pass ascending or descending dynamically.
  • Erwin Brandstetter
    Erwin Brandstetter about 6 years
    @Sachin: Ask a new question with relevant details. Comments are not the place. You can always link to this one if you need the context. There are simple & safe solutions.
  • Sachin
    Sachin about 6 years
    Please check this question.…