Postman 403 Forbidden message


Enable spring security with @EnableWebSecurity usage.By default enables csrf support, you have to disable it to prevent Forbidden errors.

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
     http       //other configure params.

PS: 415 unsupported type --> add to your mapping like this annotation for which type of data is sending from Postman.

@PostMapping(consumes = "application/json")
void addProject(@RequestBody Project newProject) {
Author by


Updated on September 26, 2020


  • abc
    abc almost 4 years

    I made some api with REST Spring. GET request works fine in Postman but when I try to do POST request I receive this error :

        "timestamp": "2018-09-25T06:39:27.226+0000",
        "status": 403,
        "error": "Forbidden",
        "message": "Forbidden",
        "path": "/cidashboard/projects"

    This is my controller :

    public class ProjectController {
        public static final String PROJECT_URL = "/cidashboard/projects";
        private final ProjectService projectService;
        public ProjectController(ProjectService projectService) {
            this.projectService = projectService;
        List<Project> getAllProjects(){
            return projectService.findAllProjects();
        Project getProjectById(@PathVariable int id) {
            return projectService.findProjectById(id);
        void addProject(@RequestBody Project newProject) {

    Security configuration initial I wanted to work with ldap, but in my application properties i left only the conection at database....................................................................................................................................................

    public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    //                .anyRequest().fullyAuthenticated();
    //                .and()
    //                .formLogin().loginPage("/login").permitAll()
    //                .failureUrl("/login-error");
        public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
                    //.passwordEncoder(new LdapShaPasswordEncoder())
        public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
                    .antMatchers("/resources/static/**"); // #3
        public DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextSource() {
            return new DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource(Arrays.asList("ldap://localhost:8389/"), "dc=springframework,dc=org");
  • abc
    abc almost 6 years
    I added and now i recieve this error : 415 Unsupported Media Type
  • M. Deinum
    M. Deinum almost 6 years
    So your actually advice is to make the application less secure only for testing...
  • drowny
    drowny almost 6 years
    Unsupported media type about your sending type. Which type is sending from postman JSON or whatelse ?
  • drowny
    drowny almost 6 years
    @M.Deinum But he ignored the csrf , that means he dont need this token. if he used , csrf support is default .that means he dont wants to csrf token.
  • M. Deinum
    M. Deinum almost 6 years
    That is an assumption. The fact that he ignored the csrf token could very well be due to the fact he didn't know that csrf protection is enabled by default. Nonetheless giving the advice to make an application less secure is always a bad answer (imho that is).
  • drowny
    drowny almost 6 years
    Assumptions but i think true. Of course he can found about csrf usage. I said only how to prevent from this problem. I respect your think , but i dont think this downvote is right totaly. But thanks your suggests and opinions.
  • abc
    abc almost 6 years
    Drowny, @Consumes need a special dependency?
  • drowny
    drowny almost 6 years
    I added new configuration on PostMapping to my post. You can use @PostMapping(consumes = "application/json")
  • abc
    abc almost 6 years
    I receive this‌​eption: The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized.
  • abc
    abc almost 6 years
    Finally it work. I have a mistake in database. But work only with .csrf().disable(), and I didn't have to put @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE). Thanks a lot!!! :)