PowerShell - Finding all of users' group memberships and kicking it out of them


Assuming that all backlinks are in place, this is a simple 3-step process easily done with powershell:

# 1. Retrieve the user in question:
$User = Get-ADUser "username" -Properties memberOf

# 2. Retrieve groups that the user is a member of
$Groups = $User.memberOf |ForEach-Object {
    Get-ADGroup $_

# 3. Go through the groups and remove the user
$Groups |ForEach-Object { Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Members $User }

If you don't want to manually confirm removing the user for each group, use -Confirm:$false:

Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Members $User -Confirm:$false

Might I add that you probably want to log every group membership you remove, just for the sake of easy recovery. Before removal, print the group DN's to a text file, identifying the user in question:

$LogFilePath = "C:\BackupLocation\user_" + $User.ObjectGUID.ToString() + ".txt"
Out-File $LogFilePath -InputObject $(User.memberOf) -Encoding utf8

This will write all the groups into the file and allow for easy and reliable rollback


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Mark
    Mark almost 2 years

    I have this game environment made by third party. It has a play button such that every time I click on it certain things happen and a bunch of json data is generated. Right now I am trying to collect this data but I don't want to have to keep clicking the play button. I looked up How to auto click an input button, but I believe the solutions provided there all work only at the start of loading the window. My problem is that I only have the ability to modify the javascript from the chrome developer tools and I don't believe that the changes that are made in the source's tab persists once I refresh the page (I could be wrong but based on what I have observed so far that's what's happening). How can I get the code below to run multiple times (say just 10 for now) without clicking the Start Game button while only modifying the code in the chrome developer tools?

    $(() => {
      $("#start-game-btn").click(event => {
        const height = parseInt($("#height").val())
        const width = parseInt($("#width").val())
        const food = parseInt($("#food").val())
        let MaxTurnsToNextFoodSpawn = 0
        if ($("#food-spawn-chance").val()) {
          MaxTurnsToNextFoodSpawn = parseInt($("#food-spawn-chance").val())
        const snakes = []
        $(".snake-group").each(function() {
          const url = $(".snake-url", $(this)).val()
          if (!url) {
            name: $(".snake-name", $(this)).val(),
        if (snakes.length === 0) {
          $("#errors").text("No snakes available")
        fetch("http://localhost:3005/games", {
          method: "POST",
          body: JSON.stringify({
            "snakes": snakes,
        }).then(resp => resp.json())
          .then(json => {
            const id = json.ID
            fetch(`http://localhost:3005/games/${id}/start`, {
              method: "POST"
            }).then(_ => {
              $("#board").attr("src", `http://localhost:3009?engine=http://localhost:3005&game=${id}`)
            }).catch(err => $("#errors").text(err))
          .catch(err => $("#errors").text(err))

    I tried doing a while loop at the start like,

    $(() => {
      var count = 0
      while(count <= 10) {

    but nothing changed.

    Also I have no experience with jQuery and bare minimum knowledge on javascript so do bear with me. Thanks in advance.

    • Tim Ferrill
      Tim Ferrill about 10 years
      So you're starting with a user, and wanting to remove its membership in all groups?
  • Npv23g
    Npv23g about 10 years
    the last operation (Go through the groups and remove the user) waits for more parameters (gives a >> output..) why?