Practical example where Tuple can be used in .Net 4.0?


Solution 1

That's the point - it is more convenient not to make a custom class or struct all the time. It is an improvement like Action or Func... you can make this types yourself, but it's convenient that they exist in the framework.

Solution 2

With tuples you could easily implement a two-dimensional dictionary (or n-dimensional for that matter). For example, you could use such a dictionary to implement a currency exchange mapping:

var forex = new Dictionary<Tuple<string, string>, decimal>();
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("USD", "EUR"), 0.74850m); // 1 USD = 0.74850 EUR
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("USD", "GBP"), 0.64128m);
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("EUR", "USD"), 1.33635m);
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("EUR", "GBP"), 0.85677m);
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("GBP", "USD"), 1.55938m);
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("GBP", "EUR"), 1.16717m);
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("USD", "USD"), 1.00000m);
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("EUR", "EUR"), 1.00000m);
forex.Add(Tuple.Create("GBP", "GBP"), 1.00000m);

decimal result;
result = 35.0m * forex[Tuple.Create("USD", "EUR")]; // USD 35.00 = EUR 26.20
result = 35.0m * forex[Tuple.Create("EUR", "GBP")]; // EUR 35.00 = GBP 29.99
result = 35.0m * forex[Tuple.Create("GBP", "USD")]; // GBP 35.00 = USD 54.58

Solution 3

There's an excellent article in MSDN magazine that talks about the belly-aching and design considerations that went into adding Tuple to the BCL. Choosing between a value type and a reference type is particularly interesting.

As the article makes clear, the driving force behind Tuple was so many groups inside of Microsoft having a use for it, the F# team up front. Although not mentioned, I reckon that the new "dynamic" keyword in C# (and VB.NET) had something to do with it as well, tuples are very common in dynamic languages.

It is otherwise not particularly superior to creating your own poco, at least you can give the members a better name.

UPDATE: due for a big revision in C# version 7, now getting a lot more syntax love. Preliminary announcement in this blog post.

Solution 4

Here's a small example - say you have a method that needs to lookup a user's handle and email address, given a user Id. You can always make a custom class that contains that data, or use a ref / out parameter for that data, or you can just return a Tuple and have a nice method signature without having to create a new POCO.

public static void Main(string[] args)
    int userId = 0;
    Tuple<string, string> userData = GetUserData(userId);

public static Tuple<string, string> GetUserData(int userId)
    return new Tuple<string, string>("Hello", "World");

Solution 5

I used a tuple to solve Problem 11 of Project Euler:

class Grid
    public static int[,] Cells = { { 08, 02, 22, // whole grid omitted

    public static IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int, int, int>> ToList()
        // code converts grid to enumeration every possible set of 4 per rules
        // code omitted

Now I can solve the whole problem with:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int product = Grid.ToList().Max(t => t.Item1 * t.Item2 * t.Item3 * t.Item4);
        Console.WriteLine("Maximum product is {0}", product);

I could have used a custom type for this, but it would have looked exactly like Tuple.

Author by


Updated on November 10, 2020


  • Amitabh
    Amitabh over 3 years

    I have seen the Tuple introduced in .Net 4 but I am not able to imagine where it can be used. We can always make a Custom class or Struct.