Preventing "too much recursion" error in jQuery


Solution 1

I would do something like this:

if (spellSpace) {
            if(score.right != 4)

I see like if(score.right == 4) means the end of game. After it is ended - you have no words (or just have no "right" words, not sure) at all and that is why it never stops. It just triggers click forever instead of stop doing anything and wait for user to click Restart button.

I guess that condition is not enough. Not sure how number of wrong words is counted and handled. But it should be enough to move forward and build correct condition based on your programm logic. Any recursion you start (and you start it with trigger("click")) must have a stop condition.

Solution 2

.trigger('click') will just invoke the listener once more. Did you intend to follow the link only in that circumstance? In that case you could return false in your else scenario.

Solution 3

This isn't a jQuery issue: you're manually triggering the same event from within the handler:


Now, this will cause an infinite loop if you're not careful. Best way to fix this is not to invoke the handler by triggering the event a second time, but by calling it using a function name:

 $('.next-question').click(function callMe(event)
      //replace: $('.next-question').trigger('click');
      //with this:
      if (spellSpace && event)
      {//also check if the event has been passed
          callMe.apply(this,[]);//don't pass event for recursive call
Author by


Updated on November 14, 2020


  • Milo-J
    Milo-J over 3 years


    I have this click event

    $('.next-question').click(function () {
        var r = rndWord;
        while (r == rndWord) {
            rndWord = Math.floor(Math.random() * (listOfWords.length));
        $('td[data-word="' + listOfWords[rndWord].name + '"]').addClass('highlight-problem');
        $('td[data-word=' + word + ']').removeClass('wrong-letter').removeClass('wrong-word').removeClass('right-letter');
        var spellSpace = $('td[data-word=' + listOfWords[rndWord].name + ']').hasClass('right-word');
        if (spellSpace) {
       } else {
            $("#hintSound").attr('src', listOfWords[rndWord].audio);
            $("#hintPic").attr('src', listOfWords[rndWord].pic);
            $('#hintPicTitle').attr('title', listOfWords[rndWord].hint);

    When debug in the console it says too much recursion meaning it is in some sort of endless loop at this point. I think it is because of the trigger("click") event in the if statement, because I seen something similar online.

    Basically, I want to say, if given word has the class right-word then move on (hence the trigger), else ...

    Is there another way to write it that will not crash?

    Here is a fiddle:

    INSTRUCTION: Click the letters on the right to spell the highlighted area in the grid (The images to help you spell the words are not available in a fiddle so you have to spell them using the console, by looking up the td's)

  • gdoron is supporting Monica
    gdoron is supporting Monica over 11 years
    Why you write try, do you expect it to work? can you explain why do you think it will work?
  • Milo-J
    Milo-J over 11 years
    Im not sure I get exactly where to place it. Sorry, could you show me? @Elias Van Ootegem
  • Mário Rodrigues
    Mário Rodrigues over 11 years
    The too much recursion error is due to a bind function on a click event. It happened to me in the past. Probably .next-question is an a anchor or a button which fires itself an event. I had the same issue 2 days ago on an input form. Did that and worked for me.
  • Elias Van Ootegem
    Elias Van Ootegem over 11 years
    @Milo-J: your handler has an if-else at the end, that starts with if (spellSpace) { $('.next-question').trigger('click'); } else {... replace the if (spellSpace) { with if (spellSpace && event) and the $('.next-question').trigger('click'); with callMe.apply(this,[]);, but don't forget to replace $('.next-question').click(function() { with $('.next-question').click(function callMe (event)//<-- give the function a name to call it by
  • Viktor S.
    Viktor S. over 11 years
    This will only stop on second call once the first round found no correct word. But it will not do what it should.
  • Elias Van Ootegem
    Elias Van Ootegem over 11 years
    Sorry, a bit knackered... it's all a bit fuzzy atm
  • gdoron is supporting Monica
    gdoron is supporting Monica over 11 years
    Well, if you can explain the code you posted, why won't you do that in the answer? and btw, I don't think this is the problem, the problem is he's trigger the click event from inside a click handler => infinite loop. it has nothing to do with preventDefault as much as I see.
  • Milo-J
    Milo-J over 11 years
    @mOrSa: So where do I add this?
  • Milo-J
    Milo-J over 11 years
    So is this the stop condition? Where would I put it? @FAngel
  • Viktor S.
    Viktor S. over 11 years
    It is stop condition for when game ended with all correct words. I do not know what are the other cases when it could be stopped. And I think that is your task to think on your code and make correct condition.
  • Milo-J
    Milo-J over 11 years
    So I should just put it as a seperate statment? @FAngel
  • Viktor S.
    Viktor S. over 11 years
    What? other conditions? I guess it will be just something like:if(score.right != 4 && score.wrong !=4 && _some_other_possible_condition_) - just build any condition which means that game is not stopped yet.