print stylesheet, one page prints and cuts off remaining text


Solution 1

In print.css, set overflow: visible instead of overflow: auto on div#content. That fixed it for me in Firefox at least. The definition of overflow auto is: "If overflow is clipped, a scroll-bar should be added to see the rest of the content" -- but scroll bars don't exist on printed pages.

I'm guessing that since the content div should span across multiple pages, the browser thinks "you're flowing outside your container and must be clipped with a scroll bar". The container in that case is the first page the content div appears on.

Solution 2

I know this is an old question but here's another, newer way this can happen.

Check if you're using display: flex; on the clipped element. It was the problem for me, setting it to block fixed it.

Solution 3

I found that setting display: inline on container divs also helped. Some of these great answers here have worked for me in certain situations while in others no.

<div class="container">
    <div class="content-cutting-off-here">
        Some long text that gets cut off at the end of the page...

Most people set containers to display block or inline-block. For me it was cutting off text, and setting it to inline circumvented that. This also makes width and height irrelevant for the offending container div; which I have found to be a nuisance when printing.

@media print {
    .container {
        display: inline;

Here is a great article that helped me with this solution.

Solution 4

If any of the containers you're trying to print are floated, they'll get cut-off like you're seeing.

In your print.css, make sure you turn off all the floating that you can without destroying your layout. It's a pain, but browser support for printing is weak at best.

Solution 5

Are you already using the print value for the media attribute for your stylesheet like

<link rel="stylesheet" href="print.css" media="print" /> 

You might also want to use page-break-before attributes for elements that you don't want to break.

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • mjr
    mjr almost 2 years

    I'm working on a printable list of events, the printer prints one page fine, but cuts off some of the text on the bottom, then it print a second blank page

    I've tried everything I know but am at a loss.

  • mjr
    mjr almost 15 years
    yes, the print stylesheet is definitely being used the page is really just a long list of tables, I don't really want a page break before each one
  • Jack Thor
    Jack Thor over 10 years
    It does not seem to work in Chrome, but works fine for me in IE.
  • Mattias Nordqvist
    Mattias Nordqvist about 9 years
    Same here Jack Thor. Did you find a solution?
  • JerryA
    JerryA over 7 years
    Im using @print {}, body{overflow:visible;} did it for me.
  • cchamberlain
    cchamberlain over 7 years
    This is not so helpful. Its not clear to what element you added these styles.
  • Jack
    Jack over 7 years
    Worked for me in chrome. I was lazy and just added * { overflow: auto !important; }
  • Lynnell Neri
    Lynnell Neri over 6 years
    Definitely solved my issue. I put a class that clear: both; where it can only be found in print.css
  • JPeG
    JPeG about 6 years
    I applied this solution to an issue we were having and I will say that in Chrome I am seeing little scrollbars all over the place. So, scroll bars do in fact exist on printed pages, apparently - which makes no sense.
  • aditya
    aditya over 4 years
    What If I really want it to be flex?
  • Nifel
    Nifel about 4 years
    This worked when adding !important. So the lazy solution would be * { overflow: visible !important; }
  • Chirag Purohit
    Chirag Purohit over 3 years
    It worked me when I added style specific to print media @media print{ body{ overflow:visible; } }
  • Bob Brown
    Bob Brown over 3 years
    {time passes} I have one that I apparently need to be flex to get all the items on one line. I'd like it to print right, too.
  • Compiler v2
    Compiler v2 over 2 years
    Display inline worked like a charm!