printing all contents of array in C#


Solution 1

You may try this:

foreach(var item in yourArray)

Also you may want to try something like this:

yourArray.ToList().ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()));

EDIT: to get output in one line [based on your comment]:

 Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", string.Join(", ", yourArray));
 //output style:  [8, 1, 8, 8, 4, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8]

EDIT(2019): As it is mentioned in other answers it is better to use Array.ForEach<T> method and there is no need to do the ToList step.

Array.ForEach(yourArray, Console.WriteLine);

Solution 2

There are many ways to do it, the other answers are good, here's an alternative:

Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", myArrayOfObjects));

Solution 3

The easiest one e.g. if you have a string array declared like this string[] myStringArray = new string[];

Console.WriteLine("Array : ");
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", string.Join(", ", myStringArray));

Solution 4

I decided to test the speeds of the different methods posted here:

These are the four methods I used.

static void Print1(string[] toPrint)
    foreach(string s in toPrint)

static void Print2(string[] toPrint)

static void Print3(string[] toPrint)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", toPrint));

static void Print4(string[] toPrint)
    Array.ForEach(toPrint, Console.Write);

The results are as follows:

 Strings per trial: 10000
 Number of Trials: 100
 Total Time Taken to complete: 00:01:20.5004836
 Print1 Average: 484.37ms
 Print2 Average: 246.29ms
 Print3 Average: 70.57ms
 Print4 Average: 233.81ms

So Print3 is the fastest, because it only has one call to the Console.WriteLine which seems to be the main bottleneck for the speed of printing out an array. Print4 is slightly faster than Print2 and Print1 is the slowest of them all.

I think that Print4 is probably the most versatile of the 4 I tested, even though Print3 is faster.

If I made any errors, feel free to let me know / fix them on your own!

EDIT: I'm adding the generated IL below

IL_0000:  ldarg.0     
IL_0001:  stloc.0     
IL_0002:  ldc.i4.0    
IL_0003:  stloc.1     
IL_0004:  br.s        IL_0012
IL_0006:  ldloc.0     
IL_0007:  ldloc.1     
IL_0008:  ldelem.ref  
IL_0009:  call        System.Console.Write
IL_000E:  ldloc.1     
IL_000F:  ldc.i4.1    
IL_0010:  add         
IL_0011:  stloc.1     
IL_0012:  ldloc.1     
IL_0013:  ldloc.0     
IL_0014:  ldlen       
IL_0015:  conv.i4     
IL_0016:  blt.s       IL_0006
IL_0018:  ret         

IL_0000:  ldarg.0     
IL_0001:  call        System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<String>
IL_0006:  ldnull      
IL_0007:  ldftn       System.Console.Write
IL_000D:  newobj      System.Action<System.String>..ctor
IL_0012:  callvirt    System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>.ForEach
IL_0017:  ret         

IL_0000:  ldstr       ""
IL_0005:  ldarg.0     
IL_0006:  call        System.String.Join
IL_000B:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_0010:  ret         

IL_0000:  ldarg.0     
IL_0001:  ldnull      
IL_0002:  ldftn       System.Console.Write
IL_0008:  newobj      System.Action<System.String>..ctor
IL_000D:  call        System.Array.ForEach<String>
IL_0012:  ret   

Solution 5

Another approach with the Array.ForEach<T> Method (T[], Action<T>) method of the Array class

Array.ForEach(myArray, Console.WriteLine);

That takes only one iteration compared to array.ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine) which takes two iterations and creates internally a second array for the List (double iteration runtime and double memory consumtion)

Padraic Cunningham
Author by

Padraic Cunningham

Updated on February 07, 2022


  • Padraic Cunningham
    Padraic Cunningham about 2 years

    I am trying to print out the contents of an array after invoking some methods which alter it, in Java I use:


    how do I do this in c#?

  • Eren Ersönmez
    Eren Ersönmez about 11 years
    Note that .ToString is not necessary since WriteLine has various overloads including a fallback one that takes an Object.
  • Padraic Cunningham
    Padraic Cunningham about 11 years
    I used alg.Id.ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine), that worked well thanks you. Is it possible to actually print it like: [8, 1, 8, 8, 4, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8]
  • Hossein Narimani Rad
    Hossein Narimani Rad about 11 years
    @ErenErsönmez Yes. You are right. but what if the item was a custom class with its own ToString mechanism.
  • Padraic Cunningham
    Padraic Cunningham about 11 years
    Took me a while to fully understand but that is very handy, I am used to Python and putting print statements in to help debug so this is good for me.Thanks
  • Miguel Gamboa
    Miguel Gamboa about 8 years
    On ForEach approach use: expected.ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine); You may use a Method Reference instead of a lambda that will create a new useless anonymous method.
  • Daxtron2
    Daxtron2 almost 6 years
    I like your method the best, it's the second fastest as per my test but it's more versatile than the fastest method( in my opinion ).
  • juharr
    juharr over 4 years
    Creating a list with ToList just to use the ForEach method is a horrible practice IMHO.
  • fubo
    fubo over 4 years
    anyway there is no need to copy and paste my answer into yours
  • Teo
    Teo about 4 years
    I like this because fits well for me in a write to log:e.g. myArrayObjects is _validExtensions: Write2Log("Start blabla with the exenstions: " + string.Join("-", _validImgExtensions) + " and so on");
  • Aaron
    Aaron over 3 years
    I like this too as it fits well with logging; And if the array element is one of your objects you can override the ToString() and handle the formatting there. var a = new [] { "Admin", "Peon" };_log.LogDebug($"Supplied roles are '{string.Join(", ", a)}'.");
  • toughQuestions
    toughQuestions over 3 years
    What if the array is very big? Is there an easy way to split the one liner into multiple more readable lines? Thanks