Printing image with PrintDocument. how to adjust the image to fit paper size


Solution 1

The parameters that you are passing into the DrawImage method should be the size you want the image on the paper rather than the size of the image itself, the DrawImage command will then take care of the scaling for you. Probably the easiest way is to use the following override of the DrawImage command.

args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, args.MarginBounds);

Note: This will skew the image if the proportions of the image are not the same as the rectangle. Some simple math on the size of the image and paper size will allow you to create a new rectangle that fits in the bounds of the paper without skewing the image.

Solution 2

Not to trample on BBoy's already decent answer, but I've done the code that maintains aspect ratio. I took his suggestion, so he should get partial credit here!

PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
pd.DefaultPageSettings.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = "Printer Name";
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true; //or false!
pd.PrintPage += (sender, args) =>
    Image i = Image.FromFile(@"C:\...\...\image.jpg");
    Rectangle m = args.MarginBounds;

    if ((double)i.Width / (double)i.Height > (double)m.Width / (double)m.Height) // image is wider
        m.Height = (int)((double)i.Height / (double)i.Width * (double)m.Width);
        m.Width = (int)((double)i.Width / (double)i.Height * (double)m.Height);
    args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, m);

Solution 3

The solution provided by BBoy works fine. But in my case I had to use

e.Graphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, e.PageBounds);

This will print only the form. When I use MarginBounds it prints the entire screen even if the form is smaller than the monitor screen. PageBounds solved that issue. Thanks to BBoy!

Solution 4


public void Print(string FileName)
    StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder();
    logMessage.AppendLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "-------------------[ START - {0} - {1} -------------------]", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()));
    logMessage.AppendLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Parameter: 1: [Name - {0}, Value - {1}", "None]", Convert.ToString("")));

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FileName)) return; // Prevents execution of below statements if filename is not selected.

        PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();

        //Disable the printing document pop-up dialog shown during printing.
        PrintController printController = new StandardPrintController();
        pd.PrintController = printController;

        //For testing only: Hardcoded set paper size to particular paper.
        //pd.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("Custom 6x4", 720, 478);
        //pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("Custom 6x4", 720, 478);

        pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0);
        pd.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0);

        pd.PrintPage += (sndr, args) =>
            System.Drawing.Image i = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(FileName);

            //Adjust the size of the image to the page to print the full image without loosing any part of the image.
            System.Drawing.Rectangle m = args.MarginBounds;

            //Logic below maintains Aspect Ratio.
            if ((double)i.Width / (double)i.Height > (double)m.Width / (double)m.Height) // image is wider
                m.Height = (int)((double)i.Height / (double)i.Width * (double)m.Width);
                m.Width = (int)((double)i.Width / (double)i.Height * (double)m.Height);
            //Calculating optimal orientation.
            pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = m.Width > m.Height;
            //Putting image in center of page.
            m.Y = (int)((((System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument)(sndr)).DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height - m.Height) / 2);
            m.X = (int)((((System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument)(sndr)).DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width - m.Width) / 2);
            args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, m);
    catch (Exception ex)
        log.ErrorFormat("Error : {0}\n By : {1}-{2}", ex.ToString(), this.GetType(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
        logMessage.AppendLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "-------------------[ END  - {0} - {1} -------------------]", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()));

Solution 5

Agree with TonyM and BBoy - this is the correct answer for original 4*6 printing of label. (args.PageBounds). This worked for me for printing Endicia API service shipping Labels.

private void SubmitResponseToPrinter(ILabelRequestResponse response)
        PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
        pd.PrintPage += (sender, args) =>
            Image i = Image.FromFile(response.Labels[0].FullPathFileName.Trim());
            args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, args.PageBounds);
Author by


Updated on August 14, 2020


  • Happy
    Happy almost 4 years

    In C#, I am trying to print an image using PrintDocument class with the below code. The image is of size 1200 px width and 1800 px height. I am trying to print this image in a 4*6 paper using a small zeebra printer. But the program is printing only 4*6 are of the big image. that means it is not adjusting the image to the paper size !

         PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
         pd.PrintPage += (sender, args) =>
               Image i = Image.FromFile("C://tesimage.PNG");
               Point p = new Point(100, 100);
               args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, 10, 10, i.Width, i.Height);

    When i print the same image using Window Print (right click and select print, it is scaling automatically to paper size and printing correctly. that means everything came in 4*6 paper.) How do i do the same in my C# program ?

  • KhanSahib
    KhanSahib over 9 years
    Above code testing myself and working fine in my wpf kisok application.
  • Crushermike
    Crushermike about 9 years
    This should be the answer! Thanks for the solution it works as expected.
  • Goose
    Goose over 6 years
    PageBounds worked for me where MarginBounds was printing way too small. Thanks!
  • Ali Ezzat Odeh
    Ali Ezzat Odeh over 6 years
    Good answer, but I replaced args.MarginBounds with args.PageBounds
  • Imran Ali Khan
    Imran Ali Khan over 6 years
    e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, m); is solved my problem.. +1
  • bdwakefield
    bdwakefield almost 6 years
    Probably the best answer; although the log message stuff should be removed since that relies on other code not present.
  • Hamid Shoja
    Hamid Shoja about 4 years
    args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, args.PageBounds);
  • quicklikerabbit
    quicklikerabbit almost 4 years
    Can you include the code in your answer rather than linking to it?