Privacy policy link for Google Play


Solution 1

You might not need one. You could inform the user in-app that you're using Analytics. Otherwise, you can check out free sites like Google Sites to easily create a web-page with its own URL that you can link to.

Solution 2

website hosting

checkout GitHub's GitHub Pages services. they host a simple static website for you for free! basic instructions:

  1. create a public repository on GitHub named [username] (replace "[username]")
  2. commit an index.html file to the root of the repo.
  3. you can see your site online at http://[username]

privacy policy

basic privacy policy template'll give you a template that you can simply copy and paste and modify to fit your needs. unlike most other places that are after your money and/or personal information!!! 😠😠😠

Solution 3

a simple guide from google itself. you can host your site in google sites no need to host github sites

Solution 4

Simplest steps to resolve Google Play Console privacy policy link issue:

  1. Create your own app privacy policy (For example:
  2. After created, hosted in any website hosting (In my case, I hosted in GitHub Pages) and copy the privacy policy url.
  3. Pasted the privacy policy url in the Google Play Console Privacy Policy section.
  4. Save and wait for review.
  5. Done!

Solution 5

There are many reasons why you'd want a privacy policy, one is the fact that you are using Google Analytics. Here is what the Google Analytics terms of use say under "7. Privacy":

You will have and abide by an appropriate Privacy Policy and will comply with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations relating to the collection of information from Visitors. You must post a Privacy Policy and that Privacy Policy must provide notice of Your use of cookies that are used to collect data. You must disclose the use of Google Analytics, and how it collects and processes data. (...)

Sure, you can trick your way around the requirement, but that doesn't mean the problem goes away. You can find a lot of information around the web about how to write a privacy policy for apps and more, the advice I'd give depends on a lot of factors.

How to get your privacy policy done:
Proper disclosure to start this section: I work at iubenda where we create solutions for problems like yours, our software generates privacy policies based on user input.

  • I've posted about privacy policies for the Play Store on iubenda's company blog a while ago, this might help you out and give you the right ideas.
  • iubenda also helps with your problem of not having a site, the privacy policy is generated and hosted on our site, you can just copy-paste the link into the app and the app store.
Author by


Updated on February 14, 2021


  • Chrometobia
    Chrometobia over 3 years

    I am having trouble here, this is my first app and there is so much involved, I did not think it was this hard, currently I am stuck on adding a link to my app's PRIVACY POLICY my app is very simple.

    It does not share any data but I do use Google Analytics, one more thing is that I do not have a website, so supposedly I had the privacy policy link where would I put it apart from a site I own?
