Private interface vs. private method - objective c


Solution 1

@interface Foo() creates a class extension (I stand corrected, props to bbum) on interface Foo which is like additional methods added to the interface. Some people also use @interafce Foo(Private) (category) instead of a class extension with (). It's more like "injecting" new methods into a class from outside the class.

Placing this in the .m file just keeps other things from "seeing it" in the .h file, but that's it. Basically people normally use categories or class extensions in .m files to specify private interfaces, but they are also used for things like UIKit uses categories to add row and section public methods to NSIndexPath. (This can be confusing.)

You don't really need to define private methods this way, but if you have a method called bar that calls method foo before foo is defined in the source file you'll get a compiler warning something like "object self may not respond to foo". You can get rid of that by defining foo before you define bar or any other foo-calling code. It's the same with plain C and functions.

Like Ole says this doesn't stop anyone from calling the private methods, it just declares your intention that they be private and causes the compiler to generate the "may not respond to" warnings even if they import the .h file.


Also see for some explanation of categories vs. class extensions. Looks like class extensions should be more correct for defining private methods, from a compiler warning perspective, because category methods are optional. Wish my book would have explained this!

Solution 2

Objective-C has no totally private methods. The method declared in a private interface section in the .m file is invisible to outside callers but it is not private. If someone knows the method signature and ignores the compiler warning, they can call it from outside without problems.

Author by


iPhone Application Developer

Updated on June 03, 2022


  • joshim5
    joshim5 about 2 years

    What is the difference between a private method and a private interface? For example, I know that if you define a method in an implementation and its interface does not mention it, it is considered a private method. I have also seen things such as:

    @interface Collector()
    @property (readonly) NSMutableDictionary *count;

    Inside of the .m implementation file.

  • bbum
    bbum over 13 years
    There is a huge difference between named categories (foo) and a class extension ().
  • Nimrod
    Nimrod over 13 years
    Do you have a reference to this? I don't see anything in the book "Programming in Objective-C 2.0" about this. It seems like the category name is just optional from everything I can tell. Not that I'm a major expert or anything but it would be helpful if you could provide a link explaining the difference between (Private) and ().
  • Nimrod
    Nimrod over 13 years
    nevermind, I seem to have found your blog Wonder why my book doesn't talk about this?
  • bbum
    bbum over 13 years
    I'd forgotten I'd written that. Good thing google indexes my head.
  • Nimrod
    Nimrod over 13 years
    Were class extensions some sort of "objective-c 2.1" thing? I thought I had the authoritative book on this subject but either I don't or something was added later....
  • johnw188
    johnw188 over 13 years
    I believe class extensions were introduced with objective C 2.0, though I might be mistaken.
  • Nimrod
    Nimrod over 13 years
    The only official-looking documentation I can find that mentions Extensions is the apple doc:‌​ual/… I can't seem to find an official standards doc for Objective-C 2.0....
  • joshim5
    joshim5 over 13 years
    Thanks guys! I also read Stephen Kochans book. I don't recall him talking about categories. I'm also watching stanfords CS193P. I'll check out bbum's blog as well as research categories.