Problem connecting to Webmin


Solution 1

If you did not setup webmin with https you need to to connect using http://localhost:10000 instead of https://localhost:10000.

If webmin is not starting by default on your computer you need to create a script in your /etc/init.d with this content, call the script webmin

# chkconfig: 235 99 10
# description: Start or stop the Webmin server
# Provides: webmin
# Required-Start: $network $syslog
# Required-Stop: $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Description: Start or stop the Webmin server


case "$1" in
    $start >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
    if [ "$RETVAL" = "0" ]; then
        touch $lockfile >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ "$RETVAL" = "0" ]; then
        rm -f $lockfile
    pidfile=`grep "^pidfile=" $confFile | sed -e 's/pidfile=//g'`
    if [ "$pidfile" = "" ]; then
    rm -f $pidfile
    pidfile=`grep "^pidfile=" $confFile | sed -e 's/pidfile=//g'`
    if [ "$pidfile" = "" ]; then
    if [ -s $pidfile ]; then
        pid=`cat $pidfile`
        kill -0 $pid >/dev/null 2>&1
        if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
            echo "$name (pid $pid) is running"
            echo "$name is stopped"
        echo "$name is stopped"
    $stop ; $start
    echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart }"
exit $RETVAL

make this executable with sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/webmin and add it to the startup procedure with update-rc.d webmin defaults. After this webmin will start with your computer.

To avoid all these small things you can also download webmin as a debian package that you can install in your system.

Fist you need to remove the current webmin tar install


Then install all webmin dependencies

sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions python

Download the latest deb file from here or use this command to download the current latest version (up to this date)


After downloading the file you can install it with

sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.570_all.deb

webmin will install, configure all necessary scripts and be ready for you in https://localhost:10000 all the time so you can login with your username / password.

Solution 2

I know this is an old thread, but nonetheless I had a similar problem and my solution was to ensure port 10000 was accepting connection. So if you are having a similar problem, you may want to try this. Connect to your server through SSH and execute the following command:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT

For me it worked instantly. Good luck.


Forgot to mention, you should save your iptables after adding your new rule, this can be done by running sudo service iptables save on your command line. Otherwise on server reboot, any changes done in your iptables will be lost. If that doesn't work, you can try sudo /sbin/service iptables save.

Solution 3

Try changing the port and listen in \etc\webmin\miniserv.conf



Then restart webmin:

/etc/init.d/webmin restart

Now use:


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Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • webdad3
    webdad3 almost 2 years

    I asked the following question earlier and @topek answered it perfectly. However, I thought I would be able to split the buttons (float: right and float: left), however, my efforts to do so failed.

    Basically in addition to the buttons showing up at the bottom of the div in the same location through the entire wizard process I would also like the buttons to show up on either side of the fieldset. I should note that there is a beginning wizard screen that only includes the "Next >" button (a href) and an ending screen that contains a "< Back" button (a href) and an input button "Finish". I would like the "Next >" button to show on the right hand side always (as well as the "Finish").

    Please see the following fiddle:

    Any help is appreciated!

  • webdad3
    webdad3 over 12 years
    topek to the rescue again! Awesome. So just so I understand. The reason why this worked was because we did set the position to absolute for the "default-buttons" class then we added all the <a> tags as well then the Left and Right position worked. Is that correct?
  • topek
    topek over 12 years
    In the new fiddle instead of positioning the button container we simply position the a elements. It's the same as before but now two elements are positioned seperatly.
  • webdad3
    webdad3 over 12 years
    yes but you also added the "a" to this: .default-buttons a{position:absolute;bottom:15px;} - My question I guess is because you added the "a" to this line it allowed for use to position the buttons individually. Is that right?
  • topek
    topek over 12 years
    Yes, the line means the same as this fiddle: - it's just shorter.
  • Essej
    Essej over 12 years
    I just tried it and it returned the same result, namely: Unable to connect. ... thanks.
  • Essej
    Essej over 12 years
    I tried 'localhost:10000' and 'locahost:10000' and they both returned the same unable to connect response. I am not sure of what it means to turn https on. ... the https and http is not showing. ... thanks.
  • Essej
    Essej over 12 years
    I downloaded the tar from and followed the installation instructions ... it all worked yesterday:) .... thanks
  • Essej
    Essej over 12 years
    I just found a way ... not sure if it is the correct way, but here goes ... sudo /etc/webmin/start .... then one logs onto the server with localhost:10000, and walla I'm in webmin.... thanks .... edit .... the https is not showing but that should precede the //localhost:10000
  • Bruno Pereira
    Bruno Pereira over 12 years
    updated answer to reflect your comments. tested on a running system so hope there are not typos around ;) have fun and gl.
  • Eliah Kagan
    Eliah Kagan over 11 years
    @maythux "and i was able to access it using the domain name of my modem/router" So you see, this is an answer, and not a "me too" post. It just looks like a "me too" post for the first few words.
  • Jānis Elmeris
    Jānis Elmeris over 6 years
    For me, a bit different rule did the trick: sudo iptables -A IN_public_allow -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT
  • Jānis Elmeris
    Jānis Elmeris over 6 years
    However, it got lost after server restart. So, actually, the solution was, at first, to manually add the rule above, then log in to Webmin, go to "Un-used Modules" -> "FirefallD", make sure "Show rules in zone: public" is selected, click on "Add allowed port" ("Webmin" itself is not defined in the services to add it as a service), enter "10000" as the port, create and then "Apply configuration".
  • Caio Mars
    Caio Mars over 6 years
    Good, yes, you have to save it by running sudo iptables save otherwise on reboot it will not add the rule. Adding this to my answer. Glad you got it working.
  • Jānis Elmeris
    Jānis Elmeris over 6 years
    Another thing: if I install Webmin using Virtualmin's setup script, the additional FirewallD rule (along with many others) are added for me, thus another solution: install Webmin by installing Virtualmin. :)