Procedure or function expects parameter, which was not supplied. A nullable column throwing exception


Solution 1

nullable != DBNull.Value

So you can't pass (int?)null to the parameter value but instead pass DBNull.Value


if (dataObject.TimeAtPreviousAddressYears.HasValue) 
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@App1TAPAYears", SqlDbType.Int).Value =dataObject.TimeAtPreviousAddressYears;
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@App1TAPAYears", SqlDbType.Int).Value = DBNull.Value;

Solution 2

This is a really annoying problem, which threw me out recently because I'd not come across it for a long time.

I settled on adding this in my RepositoryBase class

    protected object ValueOrNull(object value)
        return value ?? DBNull.Value;

and this this in my actual repo code for any optional items

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VoucherCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = ValueOrNull(promo.VoucherCode);

Solution 3

You should try with

if (dataObject.TimeAtPreviousAddressYears.HasValue) 
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@App1TAPAYears", SqlDbType.Int).Value =dataObject.TimeAtPreviousAddressYears;
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@App1TAPAYears", SqlDbType.Int).Value = (object)DBNull.Value;

The issue is that (as the error message indicates) the conditional expression needs identical types on both branches.

Learning Curve
Author by

Learning Curve

Updated on July 21, 2022


  • Learning Curve
    Learning Curve almost 2 years

    I am creating/updating a record in sql db with a stored procedure. I am supplying around 30 parameters from my C# Data Access Layer. sql table has all the columns null able apart from its primary key column. here when i supply a null value to a null able column, it is throwing an exception of "Procedure or function 'spFullUpdate' expects parameter '@App1TAPAYears', which was not supplied.". In my c# code I can clearly see the column is supplied with a null value. Could please anyone tell me how I can rectify this issue. Following is my code snippet. Setting value to the data object is as follow

    Dt.TimeAtPreviousAddressYears = int.TryParse(TimeatPreviousAddressYears.Text, out intOut) ? intOut : (int?)null;

    following is the nullable property in my entity class

            public int? TimeAtPreviousAddressYears { get; set; }

    My data access layer adding parameter code is as follow

    cmd.Parameters.Add("@App1TAPAYears", SqlDbType.Int).Value = dataObject.TimeAtPreviousAddressYears;
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

    It can clearly be seen that the parameter is added and null value is supplied to a null able column but it still producing exception. Anyone's help will really be appreciated.

    Kind Regardds

  • Learning Curve
    Learning Curve almost 11 years
    I m getting an error of 'Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'int?' and 'System.DBNull'
  • Heslacher
    Heslacher almost 11 years
    So this shortcircuit or however this assignment is named won`t work in this case so you need to use the classic if else. Updated my answer.
  • Learning Curve
    Learning Curve almost 11 years
    Thank you very much it works fine now. Really appreciate your help.
  • codeMonkey
    codeMonkey almost 7 years
    This fixed my problem, but only because in my stored proc I had @paramname int NULL instead of @paramname int = NULL d'ohh. With the equals-sign you can pass in null from C# all day long.
  • Eric
    Eric over 4 years
    Or with slightly more markup but no extra method: cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VoucherCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = (object)Value ?? DBNull.Value;