Protractor tests reports using jasmine-reporters


Make sure you have installed jasmine-reporters and the proper path of jasmine-reporters is provided. If it was installed properly then run the below command to see if you get the version of it -

npm list -g jasmine-reporters

If there was a problem installing it, use below command to install it which is compatible with Jasmine 2.x versions -

npm install --save-dev jasmine-reporters@^2.0.0

Update your conf.js file to include proper global scope variable jasmineReporters as mentioned in the package file -

    framework: 'jasmine2',
    onPrepare: function() {
    var jasmineReporters = require('path_of_installed_jasmine-reporters-plugin');
    //update proper path, in my case its ('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jasmine-reporters')
        new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter(null, true, true, '/test/e2e/JasmineReporter')
Nagarjuna Reddy
Author by

Nagarjuna Reddy

Hello, My name is Nagarjuna. I have almost 5 years of experience in UI/Front-end development. I worked for various domains and migrated legacy applications screens to new/latest screens using Angular & Bootstrap. I have hands-on experience in designing responsive screens. I have experience in working with Agile methodology and hands-on experience in using Git, JIRA, Microsoft Azure and basic knowledge in Database Design, Querying and consuming Web Services. Skill : Angular, Angularjs, Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Kendo UI, Angular Material, D3.js. Thanks, Nagarjuna

Updated on June 20, 2022


  • Nagarjuna Reddy
    Nagarjuna Reddy almost 2 years

    I'm trying to export protractor test results to xml files, for that I have installed jasmine-reporters using

    npm install -g jasmine-reporters.

    Protractor version is Version 2.1.0.

    jasmine-reporters version 2.0.7

    This is my protracotr config file:

    exports.config = {
      seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4455/wd/hub',
      capabilities: {
        'browserName': 'chrome'
      specs: [
      onPrepare: function() {      
          new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter(null, true, true, '/test/e2e/JasmineReporter')
      jasmineNodeOpts: {
            showColors: true,
            defaultTimeoutInterval: 50000

    When I run the protractor, I am getting this error

    Error: Cannot find module 'jasmine-reporters'

    Help me, where I'm doing wrong.

  • Nagarjuna Reddy
    Nagarjuna Reddy almost 9 years
    If I run first command I am getting version like this - /usr/local/lib └── [email protected]
  • giri-sh
    giri-sh almost 9 years
    Right, then change the global scope variable to jasmineReporters instead of what you are using and run the test case again as mentioned above.
  • Nagarjuna Reddy
    Nagarjuna Reddy almost 9 years
    Error: jasmineReporters is not defined
  • giri-sh
    giri-sh almost 9 years
    Updated the answer to change your conf.js file and check if it works. Include framework function and declare jasmineReporters. Hope it works.
  • Nagarjuna Reddy
    Nagarjuna Reddy almost 9 years
    I have updated your change but still getting Error: jasmineReporters is not defined
  • giri-sh
    giri-sh almost 9 years
    Got an answer for your issue. Its because you are not specifying the path to the jasmine-reporters when you require it. Inside your require() function provide the complete path to the plugin. Updated the same in the answer above. Sorry for the confusion created.
  • Olli
    Olli about 7 years
    When using jasmine 2.2.1, I got the error JUnitXmlReporter is not a constructor when using the code above. I had to use the second version of the code found on the accepted answer on this stackoverflow accepted answer to get around the error message: var jasmineReporters = require('jasmine-reporters'); jasmine.getEnv().addReporter( new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter('xmloutput', true, true) );.