puppet: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production


Thanks to Tim Stoop (who pointed it out in comment). So whenever you add a file in some location and add the source, you need to put them inside the "files" directory, and more importantly the files directory should not be named in the sources.

Like my source is: source => "puppet:///modules/raj/myexpect.sh" so the actual file needs to be in /etc/puppet/modules/raj/files

This is mentioned in the puppet doc: https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/4.9/modules_fundamentals.html#files

(I had missed it completely until @Tim Stoop pointed above in the comments.

Next is, the path in the files module was incorrect. You need to put the entire path including the filename there. Using ensure => 'present' the puppet makes sure the file is present there, if not it creates it.

Hence: path => /tmp/myexpect.sh is correct.

The entire correct manifest is below:

SLES11SP4-118:~ # cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
node default {
   include base

node 'sles11sp4-170.dev.insiteone.com' {
 class {'base':}

class base {
   exec { "remove yum":
   command => 'zypper removerepo 1',
   logoutput => 'true',
   path    => '/usr/bin/'

   exec { "add yum":
   command => 'zypper addrepo -f QA',
   logoutput => 'true',
   path    => '/usr/bin/'

  file {
      ensure => 'present',
      source => "puppet:///modules/raj/myexpect.sh", # Make sure file is in /etc/puppet/modules/raj/files
      path => '/tmp/myexpect.sh',
      owner => 'root',
      group => 'root',
      mode  => '0744',
      notify => Exec['run_my_script'],
  exec {
     command => '/tmp/myexpect.sh',
     refreshonly => true,

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Around 9+ years experience into development C, C++, and Linux domain. Also understand Core-Java and consider it as a secondary skill. Currently, in addition to the developer responsibilities, i am also serving the role of DevOps engineer.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • RajSanpui
    RajSanpui almost 2 years

    I have seen the similar post here, but that does not solve

    Intent is to copy the bash script on agent node and execute.

    SLES11SP4-118:~ # cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
    node default {
       include base
    node 'sles11sp4-170.dev.insiteone.com' {
     class {'base':}
    class base {
       exec { "remove yum":
       command => 'zypper removerepo 1',
       logoutput => 'true',
       path    => '/usr/bin/'
       exec { "add yum":
       command => 'zypper addrepo -f QA',
       logoutput => 'true',
       path    => '/usr/bin/'
      file {
          ensure => 'present',
          source => "puppet:///modules/raj/myexpect.sh",
          path => '/tmp/',
          owner => 'root',
          group => 'root',
          mode  => '0744',
          notify => Exec['run_my_script'],
      exec {
         command => '/tmp/myexpect.sh',
         refreshonly => true,

    In /etc/puppet.conf

    SLES11SP4-118:~ # vim /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

    I have made sure the directories are present in puppet server :

    SLES11SP4-118:~ # puppet config print modulepath
    SLES11SP4-118:~ # ls /etc/puppet/modules/raj/
    SLES11SP4-118:~ # ls /usr/share/puppet/modules/raj/

    Error (puppet apply /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp --debug):

    err: /Stage[main]/Base/File[my_expect_script]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///modules/raj/myexpect.sh at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:31
    notice: /Stage[main]/Base/Exec[run_my_script]: Dependency File[my_expect_script] has failures: true
    warning: /Stage[main]/Base/Exec[run_my_script]: Skipping because of failed dependencies

    The first two execs works fine though (remove yum and add yum)

    • Tim Stoop
      Tim Stoop about 7 years
      Not entirely sure, but I think you need to add another directory in /etc/puppet/modules/raj, namely a files directory. Set the myexpect.sh in there and I would expect it to work.
    • RajSanpui
      RajSanpui about 7 years
      @TimStoop Thanks a ton for the response, that worked great. If you can please add an answer, so that i can accept (would be useful for others too).
    • RajSanpui
      RajSanpui about 7 years
      So, i did 2 things: 1) Added the files directory like Tim mentioned /etc/puppet/modules/raj/files/myexpect.sh and next is, i changed the path in file class to path => '/tmp/myexpect.sh because seems like ensure expects the path to the full file where it should ensure to be present, if not it creates.
    • Tim Stoop
      Tim Stoop about 7 years
      I had that up as an answer, but apparently a moderator thought it wasn't worth it, without explanation whatsoever.