Puppet: How to fix "Invalid resource type file_line"?


You likely need to install the standard library. On your other installation, this might have got pulled in by some other module you installed.

After that, use it with include stdlib.


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Itai Ganot
Author by

Itai Ganot

Architect and Lecturer in the field of DevOps Engineering. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/itaiganot Personal Website: http://geek-kb.com

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Itai Ganot
    Itai Ganot almost 2 years

    I have a freshly installed Puppet server with only one module configured and one managed client.

    This is a MOTD module and looks like so:

    class motd {
        file { "/etc/custom_motd.sh":
        path    => '/etc/custom_motd.sh',
        ensure  => present,
        owner   => "root",
        group   => "root",
        mode    => "775",
        content => template('motd/custom_motd.sh.erb'),
        #require => Class['nagios_client'],
    #    file_line { 'enable motd':
    #    ensure  => present,
    #    line    => '/etc/custom_motd.sh',
    #    path    => '/etc/profile',
    #    require  => File['/etc/custom_motd.sh']
    #    }

    When I run puppet agent -t on the client I get the proper result:

    [root@pnd01 ~]# puppet agent -t
    Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
    Info: Retrieving plugin
    Info: Caching catalog for pnd01.company.com
    Info: Applying configuration version '1426413575'
    Notice: /Stage[main]/Motd/File[/etc/custom_motd.sh]/ensure: created
    Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.24 seconds
    [root@pnd01 ~]#

    But if I uncomment the "file line" section in the init.pp file of the module and then run puppet agent -t on the client, I get the following response:

    [root@pnd01 ~]# puppet agent -t
    Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
    Info: Retrieving plugin
    Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type file_line at /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/motd/manifests/init.pp:17 on node pnd01.company.com
    Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
    Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
    [root@pnd01 ~]#

    Line 17 points to the "file_line" declaration. I have the exact same module on another Puppet environment and it works there like a charm. I've looked it up on Google and found a post which recommends to add:

    pluginsync = true

    to the [main] section of /etc/puppet/puppet.conf on the client machine and I've done so but I still get the same error.

    Any idea how to fix this issue or why does it even happen?

  • Itai Ganot
    Itai Ganot over 9 years
    I'm sorry I forgot to add that I added it to the init.pp manifest of the module... is that the right place to add it?
  • FooBee
    FooBee over 9 years
    Yes, that should be the place.
  • Itai Ganot
    Itai Ganot over 9 years
    Can I add it in /etc/puppet/environments/production/manifests/site.pp instead?
  • Itai Ganot
    Itai Ganot over 9 years
    Ok found it! also had to copy the stdlib folder to the modules directory of production. Thanks!
  • Felix Frank
    Felix Frank over 9 years
    Contrary to popular belief, include stdlib is mostly superfluous. You only need it to get at the default run stages defined in this module. But don't do that.