pure-ftpd Connection refused localhost on high sierra


Problem has fixed after the following steps:

1) I have stopped the service

$ brew services stop pure-ftpd

2) I have remove to service

$ brew remove pure-ftpd

3) I have updated brew

$ brew upgrade

4) I have cleaned it

$ brew cleanup

5) I have reinstalled it

$ brew install pure-ftpd

6) I have created the /etc/pam.d/pure-ftpd following lines using root privilege:

# pure-ftpd: auth account password session
auth       required       pam_opendirectory.so
account    required       pam_permit.so
password   required       pam_deny.so
session    required       pam_permit.so

7) Set pam configuration

sudo /usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd -lpam -B

8) I have restart the service

$ brew services restart pure-ftpd

9) And finally the connection has successfully!

$ ftp localhost
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
220-Local time is now 20:42. Server port: 21.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Name (localhost:alexandre1202): 
331 User alexandre1202 OK. Password required
230 OK. Current directory is /Users/alexandre1202
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

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Alexandre Barbosa
Author by

Alexandre Barbosa

I am Senior Java Engineer, Bachelor degree, highly motivated with over 30 year working with IT and over 20 year with Java Technology developing reusable components based on OOP, SOLID principles, best practices, functional programming, transactional and parallel computing. Spring Family, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Redis and other Frameworks which I have worked to build monolithic and micro services-based design and implementation. I also have worked on Linux, Docker, K8s, AWS, RDBMS, NoSQL working on CI/CD pipeline.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Alexandre Barbosa
    Alexandre Barbosa almost 2 years

    When I try connect my local FTP server I have received the following error message:

    $ ftp localhost
    ftp: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
    ftp: Trying ...
    ftp: connect to address Connection refused
    ftp: no response from host

    I have installed pure-ftpd on my High Sierra MacOS just like this:

    $ brew install pure-ftpd

    And after this I have started it:

    $ brew services list | grep ftp
    proftpd    stopped               
    pure-ftpd  started alexandre1202 /Users/alexandre1202/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.pure-ftpd.plist
    vsftpd     stopped               

    I also have tried with vsftpd and profptd but the issue is the same.

    As we can see above the service is started but when I also have checked local connections and 21 port is not ESTABLISHED or LISTEN

    # netstat -f inet -tan | grep 21

    In addition I have checked by any ftp server on system

    alemacbookpro:~ root# ps aux | grep ftp
    root             60696   0.0  0.0  4279600      0 s002  R     6:22PM   0:00.00 grep ftp
    alemacbookpro:~ root# 

    And if I try connect using the following, we can see that there is no LISTEN service:

    # telnet localhost 21
    Trying ::1...
    Connection failed: Connection refused
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

    I apreciate any help to figure out why I can not use FTP server locally.

  • David
    David over 4 years
    Can you help me with my problem: superuser.com/questions/1504469?