pure virtual method called error


Solution 1

There's another type of bug, which can cause this error message to be printed.

You deleted the object, and later you're trying to make a call on it. It's undefined behaviour, and on some compilers, if you're lucky, that's what you'll see. Try to run your code with valgrind.


Solution 2

You're calling a pure virtual function from a constructor in some code that you haven't included for us to see.

When my base class's constructor calls a virtual function on its this object, why doesn't my derived class's override of that virtual function get invoked?

Cemre Mengü
Author by

Cemre Mengü

I try and catch

Updated on June 25, 2022


  • Cemre Mengü
    Cemre Mengü about 2 years

    I have the following definitions:

    class PartitioningMethod {
      virtual void addConstraints(ConstraintManager& cm) = 0;
      virtual bool hasMoreConstraints() = 0;
      virtual void setQuery(const Query& q) = 0;
      virtual ~PartitioningMethod(){ }
    class Random : public PartitioningMethod {
      vector< ref<Expr> > constraints;
      vector< ref<Expr> >::iterator it;
      vector< ref<Expr> >::iterator end;
      int numConstraints;
      RNG theRNG;
      void setQuery(const Query& q) { 
        //Set random number
        //srand ( unsigned ( time (NULL) ) * theRNG.getInt32() );
        srand ( theRNG.getInt32() );
        //Copy constraints    
        //Shuffle Randomly
        std::random_shuffle(constraints.begin(),constraints.end(), p_myrandom);
        it = constraints.begin();
        end = constraints.end();
        numConstraints = constraints.size();
      void addConstraints(ConstraintManager& cm) {
        int step = rand() % numConstraints + 1;
        while(step != 0) {
      bool hasMoreConstraints() {
        return it != end;
    bool PartitioningSolver::computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
                                const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
                                std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
                                bool &hasSolution) {
      // If there are no constraints in the query
      if(query.constraints.size() == 0 || query.constraints.size() == 1)
        return solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, hasSolution);
      // If the number constraints in the query are > 0 
      ConstraintManager cm;
      ref<Expr> expr = query.expr;
      fprintf(stderr,"Begin partitioning\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "HERE");
        //Add Constraints
        //Construct a query
        Query temp_query(cm,expr);
        //Query STP to check if satisfiable
        if(!solver->impl->computeInitialValues(temp_query, objects, values, hasSolution))
          return false;
        //If not, return immediately (a win!) 
          return true; 
        //If a solution is returned, check if the solution satisfies the entire set of constraints
        vector<const Array*> obj = objects;
        Assignment solution(obj, values);
        bool satisfiesAll = checkSolution(solution, query.constraints);
        //  fprintf(stderr,"Satisfies all: %i\n", satisfiesAll);
        // If it is successful, return the solution (a win again!), 
          return true;
        // If not add more constraints (if there is more) and repeat
      return true;

    A Partial definition for the Partitioning solver class:

    class PartitioningSolver : public SolverImpl {
      Solver*             solver;
      PartitioningMethod* method;
      bool checkSolution(Assignment& solution,  const ConstraintManager& constraints);  
      PartitioningSolver(Solver *s,  PartitioningMethod* pm) : solver(s), method(pm) { }
      ~PartitioningSolver() { delete solver; delete method; }

    Sorry for pasting such a long snippet of code but I have been working on it for hours and keep getting the eror

    pure virtual method called
    terminate called without an active exception

    I am not sure what's wrong. It seems to fail in computeInitialValues function where fprintf(stderr,"Begin partitioning\n"); is located. I tried adding print statements as a last resort but even they don't print anything.. Any ideas is appreciated.

    Ok so I changed the name Random to Ran and it started to work. I was creating this class instance on the fly as an argument with new Random() I guess it was mixing up with another constructor or something else I dont know..

  • Cemre Mengü
    Cemre Mengü almost 12 years
    I tried using valgrind but for some reason it doesn't print an error message for this error.. I just get the crash output and that's it