Purpose of byte type in Java


Solution 1

Byte has a (signed) range from -128 to 127, where as int has a (also signed) range of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

What it means is that since the values you're going to use will always be between that range, by using the byte type you're telling anyone reading your code this value will be at most between -128 to 127 always without having to document about it.

Still, proper documentation is always key and you should only use it in the case specified for readability purposes, not as a replacement for documentation.

Solution 2

If you're using a variable which maximum value is 127 you can use byte instead of int so others know without reading any if conditions after, which may check the boundaries, that this variable can only have a value between -128 and 127.

So it's kind of self-documenting code - as mentioned in the text you're citing.

Personally, I do not recommend this kind of "documentation" - only because a variable can only hold a maximum value of 127 doesn't reveal it's really purpose.

Solution 3

Integers in Java are stored in 32 bits; bytes are stored in 8 bits.

Let's say you have an array with one million entries. Yikes! That's huge!

int[] foo = new int[1000000];

Now, for each of these integers in foo, you use 32 bits or 4 bytes of memory. In total, that's 4 million bytes, or 4MB.

Remember that an integer in Java is a whole number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 inclusively. What if your array foo only needs to contain whole numbers between, say, 1 and 100? That's a whole lot of numbers you aren't using, by declaring foo as an int array.

This is when byte becomes helpful. Bytes store whole numbers between -128 and 127 inclusively, which is perfect for what you need! But why choose bytes? Because they use one-fourth of the space of integers. Now your array is wasting less memory:

byte[] foo = new byte[1000000];

Now each entry in foo takes up 8 bits or 1 byte of memory, so in total, foo takes up only 1 million bytes or 1MB of memory.

That's a huge improvement over using int[] - you just saved 3MB of memory.

Clearly, you wouldn't want to use this for arrays that hold numbers that would exceed 127, so another way of reading the bold line you mentioned is, Since bytes are limited in range, this lets developers know that the variable is strictly limited to these bounds. There is no reason for a developer to assume that a number stored as a byte would ever exceed 127 or be less than -128. Using appropriate data types saves space and informs other developers of the limitations imposed on the variable.

Solution 4

I imagine one can use byte for anything dealing with actual bytes.

Also, the parts (red, green and blue) of colors commonly have a range of 0-255 (although byte is technically -128 to 127, but that's the same amount of numbers).

There may also be other uses.

The general opposition I have to using byte (and probably why it isn't seen as often as it can be) is that there's lots of casting needed. For example, whenever you do arithmetic operations on a byte (except X=), it is automatically promoted to int (even byte+byte), so you have to cast it if you want to put it back into a byte.

A very elementary example:

FileInputStream::read returns a byte wrapped in an int (or -1). This can be cast to an byte to make it clearer. I'm not supporting this example as such (because I don't really (at this moment) see the point of doing the below), just saying something similar may make sense.

It could also have returned a byte in the first place (and possibly thrown an exception if end-of-file). This may have been even clearer, but the way it was done does make sense.

FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream("Somefile.txt");
int val;
while ((val = file.read()) != -1)
  byte b = (byte)val;
  // ...

If you don't know much about FileInputStream, you may not know what read returns, so you see an int and you may assume the valid range is the entire range of int (-2^31 to 2^31-1), or possibly the range of a char (0-65535) (not a bad assumption for file operations), but then you see the cast to byte and you give that a second thought.

If the return type were to have been byte, you would know the valid range from the start.

Another example:

One of Color's constructors could have been changed from 3 int's to 3 byte's instead, since their range is limited to 0-255.

Solution 5

It means that knowing that a value is explicitly declared as a very small number might help you recall the purpose of it.

Go for real docs when you have to create a documentation for your code, though, relying on datatypes is not documentation.

Hải Phong
Author by

Hải Phong

Updated on June 01, 2022


  • Hải Phong
    Hải Phong about 2 years

    I read this line in the Java tutorial:

    byte: The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer. It has a minimum value of -128 and a maximum value of 127 (inclusive). The byte data type can be useful for saving memory in large arrays, where the memory savings actually matters. They can also be used in place of int where their limits help to clarify your code; the fact that a variable's range is limited can serve as a form of documentation.

    I don't clearly understand the bold line. Can somebody explain it for me?

  • Mr. Adobo
    Mr. Adobo about 11 years
    This is confusing and completely out of context as to what OP asked.
  • Bernhard Barker
    Bernhard Barker about 11 years
    @JesusAdoboLuzon It's making clear that read returns a byte wrapped in an int.
  • Mr. Adobo
    Mr. Adobo about 11 years
    That's now that the document he posted means though. And why wouldn't you just make val a byte and then cast it to int when finished, making it more obvious that you're working with bytes (or at least are only interested in the byte part, which casting also does).
  • Bernhard Barker
    Bernhard Barker about 11 years
    Just saying - most of your answer focusses on "saving memory", which was not in bold.
  • Bernhard Barker
    Bernhard Barker about 11 years
    @JesusAdoboLuzon FileInputStream::read returns an int. A return value of -1 indicates the end of the file - this information will be lost if you cast it to byte right away (since 255 is also a valid return value, which becomes -1 when cast to int), you need to do the -1 check before casting to byte.
  • Bernhard Barker
    Bernhard Barker about 11 years
    Correction: An int covers the values from -2147483648 to 2147483647. Reference. Also, you're just dealing with the "saving space" part, which was not in bold.
  • Bernhard Barker
    Bernhard Barker about 11 years
  • Bernhard Barker
    Bernhard Barker about 11 years
    Oh, actually char is unsigned, and basically boolean, see this.
  • Hải Phong
    Hải Phong about 11 years
    @Duckeling: your answer is a little bit confusing but I understand your point