PyCharm Running Out of Memory


Solution 1

Reinstalling PyCharm fixed this problem for me.

Solution 2

What worked for me when I ran into this "Out of Memory" problem was clearing the cache. ("File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...") It's been a couple days and no further problems. Before, it was happening five or ten minutes after starting PyCharm, even with me not doing anything on PyCharm other than look at it.

I'm running PyCharm Community Edition 2016.1.4 on Windows 7 Enterprise.

Solution 3

I had the same issue where I keyboard on Pycharm was not responding anymore.

The following solved my issue both on Windows 10 and MacOsx

Click on help on the menu

Help -> Edit custom VM options

Create the file when prompted.

Either change the settings to the following or replace the entire content of the file with the following:


Solution 4

The issue for me was the css plugin installed in Pycharm. Removing it fixed the problem. To remove, go to the Project Interpreter in Pycharm preferences.

Solution 5

In the latest pycharm edition, increase memory using below option

Help -> Change memory settings

Here enter the amount of memory you need.

enter image description here

Author by


I write code in Python and SQL, with bits of Java thrown in too. Interested in data science, machine learning, and web development.

Updated on February 25, 2021


  • Batman
    Batman over 3 years

    I've recently started getting an out of memory error while using PyCharm 5.0.4 The message is:

    There's not enough memory to perform the requested operation. Please increase Xmx setting and shutdown PyCharm for change to take effect.

    I've already increased the value to 1024 MB, and to my knowledge nothing has changed in either my Python or system setups.

    What exactly does the size of the Xmx memory manage, and how would I go about debugging what's causing the issue?