Python at AWS Lambda: `requests` from botocore.vendored deprecated, but `requests` not available


Solution 1

If you are using serverless framework

Specify the plugin in serverless.yml

- serverless-python-requirements

At the directory root create file requirements.txt



This will install the requests and packages mentioned.

Solution 2

I succeeded sending HTTP POST requests using the urllib3 library, which is available at AWS Lambda without the requirements for additional installation instructions.

import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager()

response = http.request('POST',
                        body = json.dumps(some_data_structure),
                        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                        retries = False)

Solution 3

Answer 2020-06-18

I found a nice and easy way to use requests inside AWS Lambda functions!

Open this link and find the region that your function is using:

Open the .csv related to your region and search for the requests row.
This is the ARN related to requests library:

So now in your lambda function, add a layer using the ARN found.
Obs.: make sure your Python lambda function runtime is python3.8.

Solution 4

Check out the instructions here:

All you need to do is download the requests module locally, then include it in your Lambda function deployment package (ZIP archive).

Example (if all your Lambda function consisted of was a single Python module + requests module):

$ pip install --target ./package requests
$ cd package
$ zip -r9 ${OLDPWD}/ .
$ cd $OLDPWD
$ zip -g
$ aws lambda update-function-code --function-name my-function --zip-file fileb://

Solution 5

requests is NOT part of core python. See about packaging a Lambda having external dependencies (in your case the requests library)

Jochem Schulenklopper
Author by

Jochem Schulenklopper

Husband, father of three girls, thinker, tinkerer, intronerd, software, technology, visualizations, coffee, food (esp. desserts), snowboarding, music, Dutch.

Updated on May 04, 2021


  • Jochem Schulenklopper
    Jochem Schulenklopper almost 3 years

    I've got a Python script for an AWS Lambda function that does HTTP POST requests to another endpoint. Since Python's urllib2.request,, can only handle data in the standard application/x-www-form-urlencoded format and I want to post JSON data, I used the Requests library,

    That Requests library wasn't available at AWS Lambda in the Python runtime environment, so had to be imported via from botocore.vendored import requests. So far, so good.

    Today, I get a deprecation warning on that:

    DeprecationWarning: You are using the post() function from 'botocore.vendored.requests'.
    This is not a public API in botocore and will be removed in the future.
    Additionally, this version of requests is out of date. We recommend you install the
    requests package, 'import requests' directly, and use the function instead.

    This was mentioned in this blog post from AWS too:

    Unfortunately, changing from botocore.vendored import requests into import requests results in the following error:

    No module named 'requests'

    Why is requests not available for the Python runtime at AWS Lambda? And how can I use / import it?