Python docstrings to GitHub


Solution 1

The other answers are great. But I thought I (the OP) ought to share what I do these days (a year or two after the question).

I use Sphinx and its Markdown extension. Do the following:

TL;DR: See Gist snippet.


You need sphinx-markdown-builder python module.

 pip install sphinx sphinx-markdown-builder;

Run Sphinx

Not the autodoc, the apidoc!

sphinx-apidoc -o Sphinx-docs . sphinx-apidoc --full -A 'Matteo Ferla'; cd Sphinx-docs;


Fix the file, by following the following or just lazily copy paste the echo command below.


First uncomment the lines. These are otherwise commented out.

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../'))

Note the change to ../

One weirdness is that the magic methods get ignored. To override this, add this anywhere:

def skip(app, what, name, obj, would_skip, options):
    if name in ( '__init__',):
        return False
    return would_skip
def setup(app):
    app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', skip)

A thing to note: The docstrings ought to be written in restructuredtext (RST). If they are in Markdown, you need to add a mod - see this. The two are similar, but different. For example, a single backquote is required for <code> in Markdown, while two are for RST. If in doubt, several blog posts discuss the merits of RST documentation over Markdown.


RST typehints (:type variable: List) are obsolete as proper typehinting def foo(variable: Optional[List[int]]=None) -> Dict[str,int]: has been introduced since 3.6. To make these work:

 pip install sphinx-autodoc-typehints

And add 'sphinx_autodoc_typehints' at the end of the extensions list. Note the package has hyphens while the module has underscores.


Copy paste this:

echo " import os
import sys
def skip(app, what, name, obj,would_skip, options):
    if name in ( '__init__',):
        return False
    return would_skip
def setup(app):
    app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', skip)
 " >>;


Then it is showtime.

make markdown;

Copy the files and clean however you fancy.

mv _build/markdown/* ../; rm -r Sphinx-docs;


It should be noted that when new files are added, the apidoc command needs to be repeated. Nevertheless, I highly recommend generating documentation midway as I realise I am doing something wrong.

Solution 2

I have found some other options for doing this:

Little convenience tool to extract docstrings from a module or class and convert them to GitHub Flavoured Markdown. Its purpose is to quickly generate files for small projects.

This module provides a command line tool for parsing a Python file and generating nice looking markdown with your function definitions. It's extremely opinionated and rigid! But also extremely easy to use.

Solution 3

I have a little bit of code that I use to generate an index file from a project. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but with a little wiggle you could add an if statement for py files (where I only have html and png) and grab the doc = "your DocStrings."...


import os

class indexer:
    path = "~"
    username = "" # !!! Enter your github username in the provided quotes.
    site = "http://"+username+""
    proj = ""     # !!! Enter your repository name in provided quotes.
    prod = []

    def __init__(self,p):
    def fprep(self,name):
    def refPrep(self):
        ref ="/"+self.proj
        for qw in self.loc:
    def HtmlFrek(self,adir):
        pys = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f.split(".")[len(f.split("."))-1]=="py"]
        for i in pys:
            Open the file i get the __doc__ string and append it to ret
        for k in folders:
        del self.loc[len(self.loc)-1]

    def HtmlProd(self):
        ret = ""
        pys = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f.split(".")[len(f.split("."))-1]=="py"]
        for i in pys:
            Open the file i get the __doc__ string and append it to ret
        folders = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if not os.path.isfile(f)]
        for k in folders:
            ret+=self.HtmlFrek(k) = ret

i = indexer(".")

w = open("","w")
Matteo Ferla
Author by

Matteo Ferla

Webpages Homepage (link to other profiles) A program to calculate mutational spectra A D&amp;D battle simulator I made for fun For messaging, see my homepage for my email —I am not doing it for self publicity but it there is a captcha mailhide there as I do not want to constantly win the Euromillions lotto. Publications See Researchgate or Google scholar profile. Blog Blog

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Matteo Ferla
    Matteo Ferla about 2 years

    How do I transcode Python documentation strings to a GitHub file?

    Even though it seems like something everyone does, I cannot seem to get a decent solution and I am assuming it should be easy, so it seems unlikely folks are going throw two converters…

    What I have tried

    pydoc Actually simple. The output of pydoc is manpages (groff format for Unix systems). Which is a dead end as man to md is not a thing. Via HTML, pydoc3 -w + pandoc, utterly munges the docstrings to bits.

    Custom code There seems to be lots of short custom code, but for the few I tried the output does not seem to be as good as that pydoc, which has a summary, adds inherited methods and lists some attributes.

    mkdocs. It was suggested somewhere. It just pollutes my folder as it is a misleading name as is a not docstrings > md converter, but a md > html.

    Sphinx + Pandoc. After fixing an UTF-8 issue, I gave up on Sphinx as I have a single .py script to convert and the autodoc setting of the quickstart did not parse my script. I tried in Python to import sphinx.ext.autodoc, but TBH the documentation was too long and I gave up.


    There is a year-old unanswered Stack Overflow question on the topic, but I hope that by giving a lot more detail I will get an answer.

  • Ælex
    Ælex over 3 years
    This should be pinned and placed in a blog; I've spent an entire day trying to figure out how to do that, not even the Sphinx documentation explains how to achieve this! Well done :-D
  • Matteo Ferla
    Matteo Ferla over 3 years
    @Ælex, I so often pop over to copy off my own answer and every time it reminds me of a meme on Reddit r/ProgrammerHumor where Obama gives himself a medal. About the blog, I did that too (here, but it's a copy to the letter).
  • pabouk - Ukraine stay strong
    pabouk - Ukraine stay strong over 3 years
    GitHub supports also README.rst. Is not there a simpler solution for generating README.rst?
  • Matteo Ferla
    Matteo Ferla over 3 years
    Yes, Sphinx can generate restructured text (and HTML), but it's an unflexible solution as it would require the whole file to be written in restructured text if it's actually part of a longer description. The major issue however is that Sphinx's sphinx-apidoc is not 100% intuitive, so the bulk of the answer still stands...
  • MaKaNu
    MaKaNu about 2 years
    Great solution so far. I tried to find a solution as well. First hit was pydoc-markdown which was kind of buggy. Worked out of the box for one file but not for another. Found a few very old implementations only using pydoc, but they were also deprecated. Your solution worked out of the box. You just missed the sphinx_autodoc_typehints dependency also in the blog completely