Python equivalent of golang's defer statement


Solution 1

To emulate defer fmt.Println(*a, i) example, you could use contextlib.ExitStack:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from contextlib import ExitStack
from functools import partial

with ExitStack() as stack:
    for i in range(10):
        a = i
        stack.callback(partial(print, a, i))

    x = 42
    a = x


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It is easy to emulate the mutex case:

def some_function(lock=Lock()):
    with lock:
        # whatever

Solution 2

Python's with statement serves a similar purpose to Go's defer.

The similar code in Python is:

mutex = Lock()

def someFunction():
    with mutex:
        # Whatever you want, with as many return statements
        # as you want, wherever. Simply forget that you ever
        # locked a mutex, or that you have to remember to 
        # release it again.

Solution 3

I've made one there (compatible with 2.x):

def func():
    f = open('file.txt', 'w')
    defer(lambda: f.close())

    defer(lambda : print("Defer called!"))

    def my_defer():

    defer(lambda: my_defer())

    print("Ok )")

    print("Never printed (((")


Source of defers_collector is:

# Go-style error handling

import inspect
import sys

def panic(x):
    raise Exception(x)

def defer(x):
    for f in inspect.stack():
    if '__defers__' in f[0].f_locals:

def recover():
    val = None
    for f in inspect.stack():
    loc = f[0].f_locals
    if f[3] == '__exit__' and '__suppress__' in loc:
        val = loc['exc_value']
    return val

class DefersContainer(object):
    def __init__(self):
    # List for sustain refer in shallow clone
    self.defers = []

    def append(self, defer):

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
    __suppress__ = []
    for d in reversed(self.defers):
            __suppress__ = []
            exc_type, exc_value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
    return __suppress__

def defers_collector(func):
    def __wrap__(*args, **kwargs):
    __defers__ = DefersContainer()
    with __defers__:
        func(*args, **kwargs)
    return __wrap__

Solution 4

A defer implementation partly inspired by @DenisKolodin answer is available as part of pygolang, 2:

   wc = wcfs.join(zurl)    │     wc = wcfs.join(zurl)
   defer(wc.close)         │     try:
                           │        ...
   ...                     │        ...
   ...                     │        ...
   ...                     │     finally:
                           │        wc.close()

Solution 5

I've tried to make an equivalent for fun (only tested as a proof of concept)

Here is is:

import os
import inspect

class defer:
    Proof of concept for a python equivalent of golang's defer statement

    Note that the callback order is probably not guaranteed

    def __init__(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        self.callback = callback
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        # Add a reference to self in the caller variables so our __del__
        # method will be called when the function goes out of scope
        caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back
        caller.f_locals[b'_' + os.urandom(48)] = self

    def __del__(self):
        self.callback(*self.args, **self.kwargs)

Usage example:

def main():

def first():
    print('- first')
    defer(lambda: print('   - deferred'))
    print('- first exit')

def second():
    print('- second')      

if __name__ == '__main__':
Filip Haglund
Author by

Filip Haglund

Polyglot programmer looking for big responsibilities in small teams. Enjoys everything large, distributed and parallel. Prefers simple and declarative programming languages (functonal, logic). Truly believes in the right tool for the right job. Startup mentality; always looking for the simplest thing that could possibly work, but also likes preparing for the future. I've seen too many people run their projects into the ground by not thinking ahead. Open to relocate almost anywhere, but prefers working remote. That's how I get more things done.

Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Filip Haglund
    Filip Haglund about 2 years

    How would one implement something that works like the defer statement from go in python?

    Defer pushes a function call to a stack. When the function containing the defer statement returns, the defered function calls are popped and executed one by one, in the scope that the defer statement was inside in the first place. Defer statements look like function calls, but are not executed until they are popped.

    Go example of how it works:

    func main() {
        var a *int
        for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
            a = &i
            defer fmt.Println(*a, i)
        x := 42
        a = &x


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    Go example of a usecase:

    var m sync.Mutex
    func someFunction() {
        defer m.Unlock()
        // Whatever you want, with as many return statements as you want, wherever.
        // Simply forget that you ever locked a mutex, or that you have to remember to release it again.
  • a p
    a p over 8 years
    One thing to remember here is that you need to have a context manager defined to use with. Lots of things (files, threading.Lock, for instance) come with this built-in, but if you want to do something specific like in the first example, you have to custom build it.
  • kirr
    kirr about 5 years
    A defer implementation partly inspired by this answer is available as part of pygolang:
  • Quinten Cabo
    Quinten Cabo over 2 years