Python - Filter list of dictionaries based on multiple keys


Solution 1

With list comprehensions:

myDict = [{'first': 'James', 'middle': 'Smith', 'last': 'Joule'}, 
      {'first': 'James', 'middle': 'Johnson', 'last': 'Watt'},
      {'first': 'Christian', 'middle': 'Edward', 'last': 'Doppler'},
      {'first': 'Robert', 'last': 'Antonio'}]

keys = {"middle", "last"}

l = [{k:v for k, v in i.items() if k in keys} for i in myDict]

But you can also use map for this:

myDict = [{'first': 'James', 'middle': 'Smith', 'last': 'Joule'}, 
      {'first': 'James', 'middle': 'Johnson', 'last': 'Watt'},
      {'first': 'Christian', 'middle': 'Edward', 'last': 'Doppler'},
      {'first': 'Robert', 'last': 'Antonio'}]

keys = {"middle", "last"}

l = list(map(lambda x: {k:v for k, v in x.items() if k in keys}, myDict))


[{'last': 'Joule', 'middle': 'Smith'}, {'last': 'Watt', 'middle': 'Johnson'}, {'last': 'Doppler', 'middle': 'Edward'}, {'last': 'Antonio'}]

Solution 2

Use neverwalkaloner's answer if you are just doing this once. But, if you find yourself manipulating lists of dictionaries often, I've written a free library called PLOD that streamlines much of this.

>>> from PLOD import PLOD
>>> l = PLOD(myDict).dropKey("middle").returnList()
>>> l
[{'last': 'Joule', 'first': 'James'}, {'last': 'Watt', 'first': 'James'}, {'last': 'Doppler', 'first': 'Christian'}, {'last': 'Antonio', 'first': 'Robert'}]
>>> print(PLOD(l).returnString())
    {first: 'James'    , last: 'Joule'  },
    {first: 'James'    , last: 'Watt'   },
    {first: 'Christian', last: 'Doppler'},
    {first: 'Robert'   , last: 'Antonio'}

The library is on PyPi:

To more universally do what you want, I'd need to add a new class method. Perhaps .filterKeys. Perhaps I'll do that in version 1.8. It would then go:

>>> l = PLOD(myDict).filterKeys(['first', 'last']).returnList()


BTW, the lib supports Python 2.7.x right now. Still working on the 3.5.x release.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • johnsmith101
    johnsmith101 almost 2 years

    Say I have the dictionary:

    myDict = [{'first': 'James', 'middle': 'Smith', 'last': 'Joule'}, 
            {'first': 'James', 'middle': 'Johnson', 'last': 'Watt'},
            {'first': 'Christian', 'middle': 'Edward', 'last': 'Doppler'}
            {'first': 'Robert', 'last': 'Antonio'}]

    And I have a list called keys:

    keys = ["middle", "last"]

    I want to filter myDict based on each value in keys, which would result in

    filteredDict = [{'middle': 'Smith', 'last': 'Joule'},
                  {'middle': 'Johnson', 'last': 'Watt'},
                  {'middle': 'Edward', 'last': 'Doppler'},
                  {'last': 'Antonio'}]

    As seen in the list dictionary in myDict list, the dictionary DOESNT have to have both keys in order to be placed into filteredDict. Is there an easy way to do this with dictionary comprehension in Python?

  • volcano
    volcano over 7 years
    I would just turn keys into set - to speed up lookup
  • K. A. Buhr
    K. A. Buhr over 7 years
    Also, it looks a little cleaner to use a list comprehension in place of map, so just write [{ k: v for (k,v) in x.items() if k in keys } for x in myDict]
  • volcano
    volcano over 7 years
    BTW, map is another form of comprehension. And since in Python 3 it produces map object - which is essentially iterator, comprehension will be universal choice.
  • akash karothiya
    akash karothiya over 7 years
    working perfect, just wanted to check which one takes less time to execute
  • neverwalkaloner
    neverwalkaloner over 7 years
    @K.A.Buhr you are right but for some reason I thought about it after map.
  • ScipioAfricanus
    ScipioAfricanus about 5 years
    Shouldnt keys be a list @op?