Python - Finding all non alpha-numeric characters in a string


Solution 1

You can simply try:

bonus = min(sum(not c.isalnum() for c in pwd), 3)

Solution 2

If you want to count the number of non-alpha strings you could say

def strength(string):
  '''Computes and returns the strength of the string'''

  count = 0

  # check each character in the string
  for char in string:
     # increment by 1 if it's non-alphanumeric
     if not char.isalpha():
       count += 1           

  # Take whichever is smaller
  return min(3, count)

print (strength("test123"))
Author by


Updated on June 15, 2022


  • thesoundandthefury
    thesoundandthefury almost 2 years

    I'm designing a system that allows users to input a string, and the strength of the string to be determined by the amount of non alphanumeric characters. Points should be awarded like so: +1 for every non-alnum character to a maximum of 3 non-alnum characters.

    def non_alnum_2(total,pwd):
    count = 0
    lid = 3
    number = 0
    if pwd[count].isalnum():
        if True:
            print "Nope"
        if False:
            print "Good job"
            count = count + 1
            number += 1
    if number > lid:
        number = lid
    return number
    total = 0
    number = 0
    pwd = raw_input("What is your password? ")
    non_alnum_2(total, pwd)
    print total
    total += number

    I've only just started coding, so I'm sorry if this seems like a very junior question.