Python-How to add a struct.pack value to an integer that would be sent through the serial port


You're passing a string literal; you should be passing a value instead, indicated by using the bare name. But you'll need to convert it to an integer before it can be handled.

POS_SERVO = struct.pack('<h', int(posicion))

You should consider validating the input though, to make sure that it's the corect type and within the desired range.

Pablo P.
Author by

Pablo P.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Pablo P.
    Pablo P. almost 2 years

    I'm a newbie in python and recently I made a similar question about how to convert a decimal value to an integer with low byte first and then high byte is here and is solved but now I have a problem because I want python to take a decimal value from a raw_input convert it to an integer with low byte first and then high byte and insert it into a 16-bit integer to send it to the serial port to a servo controller (devantech sd84). I've contained the raw_input into a value and then the struc.pack in other value then I put the second value into the 16-bit integer but before this can occurs python returns this error:

        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:/Users/Pablo/Desktop/kdfkldkfgv", line 28, in <module>
        POS_SERVO = struct.pack('<h', 'posicion')
        error: cannot convert argument to integer

    Here is the complete code:

        # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      import serial
      import time
      import struct
      # Para cambiar de Sistema Operativo cambiar puerto 
      #en la siguiente línea: Win COM# linux /dev/ttyS# /dev/ttyUSB#
      # #=un número asignado por tu sistema.
      SET_AD_CNT='\x06' #Controla el número de canales analógicos.
      GET_AD_CNT='\x07' #Devuelve el número de canales analógicos actuales.
      GET_INPUT='\X08' # Devuelve el estado de una entrada.
      GET_ADC='\X09' #Devuelve el valor de un canal analógico.
      GET_VERSION='\x0A' #Devuelve la versión del procesador seleccionado.
      GET_BULK='\x15' #Usado para test en fábriica.
      TEST='\X16' #Usado para test en fábrica.
      ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=2,timeout=1)
      if ser.isOpen():
    print "Estado del puerto: Correcto."
    print "Procedo a enviar modo del canal 1 y posiciones del mismo."
    posicion = raw_input('Inserta un numero entre 400 y 2200:')
    POS_SERVO = struct.pack('<h', 'posicion')
    print "Todo el proceso completado correctamente."
    print "El puertito está cerrado"
       print "Hasta Luego :D"

    For the interest of people who have the same controler I'll explain that 16-bit integer first three bytes are sync (\xAA\xA0\x55) then the type of command SET_SERVO (position) (\x01) then the channel 1-84 for 1 is (\x01) then a byte count in this case 2 (\x02) and the servo position low byte and then the high byte (POS_SERVO) (for example for 1500 \xDC\x05)

    I don't know how to solve it, because it's not an argument in fact it is a value and I don't know how to tell that to python.