Python logging - check location of log files?


Solution 1

The logging module uses handlers attached to loggers to decide how, where, or even if messages ultimately get stored or displayed. You can configure logging by default to write to a file as well. You should really read the docs, but if you call logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file_name) where log_file_name is the name of the file you want messages written to (note that you have to do this before anything else in logging is called at all), then all messages logged to all loggers (unless some further reconfiguration happens later) will be written there. Be aware of what level the logger is set to though; if memory serves, info is below the default log level, so you'd have to include level=logging.INFO in the arguments to basicConfig as well for your message to end up in the file.

As to the other part of your question, logging.getLogger(some_string) returns a Logger object, inserted in to the correct position in the hierarchy from the root logger, with the name being the value of some_string. Called with no arguments, it returns the root logger. __name__ returns the name of the current module, so logging.getLogger(__name__) returns a Logger object with the name set to the name of the current module. This is a common pattern used with logging, as it causes the logger structure to mirror your code's module structure, which often makes logging messages much more useful when debugging.

Solution 2

To get the log location of a simple file logger, try


Solution 3

To find the logfile location, try instantiating your log object in a Python shell in your environment and looking at the value of:


Solution 4

Some good answers on this, but top answer didn't work for me because I was using a different type of file handler, and the doesn't provide the path, but file handle, and getting the path out of that is somewhat non-obvious. Here's my solution:

import logging
from logging import FileHandler

# note, this will create a new logger if the name doesn't exist, 
# which will have no handlers attached (yet)
logger = logging.getLogger('<name>')

for h in logger.handlers:
    # check the handler is a file handler 
    # (rotating handler etc. inherit from this, so it will still work)
    # stream handlers write to stderr, so their filename is not useful to us
    if isinstance(h, FileHandler):
        # should be an open file handle, it's name is the path
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • zallarak
    zallarak almost 2 years

    What is the methodology for knowing where Python log statements are stored?

    i.e. if i do:

    import logging
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Test')

    Where could I find the logfile? Also, when I call:


    Is that somehow related to how the logger will behave/save?

  • GyRo
    GyRo over 5 years
    It throws exception to me
  • Taran
    Taran over 5 years
    What's the exception? You could try using a debugger and poking around those objects until you find what you need
  • kakyo
    kakyo over 5 years
    This assumes that the logger had a FileHandler, which is not always the case. Better make sure that the handlers contain a FileHandler object.
  • Valentyn
    Valentyn almost 5 years
    It throws an exception to me as well: "AttributeError: 'StreamHandler' object has no attribute 'baseFilename'"
  • Alon Gouldman
    Alon Gouldman almost 4 years
    how do you reconfigure the logger after some logs have been written already?
  • Pogger
    Pogger over 3 years
    In my case it is working logging.handlers[0].baseFilename
  • deesolie
    deesolie over 3 years
    Per this SO answer, basicConfig sets the handler on the root logger object (or the logger object configured with your given module example_logger = logging.getLogger('example')). Thus, you could remove the existing handler and call basic config again. Alternatively, you could create a different logger object example2_logger = logging.getLogger('example') and set different configs on this object.
  • CodePrinz
    CodePrinz over 2 years
    I get an IndexError, since my object has no handlers.
  • CodePrinz
    CodePrinz over 2 years
    ImportError: cannot impart name 'FileHandler' from 'logging.handlers'
  • CodePrinz
    CodePrinz over 2 years
    Or an AttributeErrror:'_LiveLoggingNullHandler' object has no attribute 'stream'
  • Edward Spencer
    Edward Spencer over 2 years
    @CodePrinz, good catch, the base class lives in the logging module, not the handlers module. Fixed now.