Python logging typeerror


Solution 1

logging.INFO denotes an integer constant with value of 20

INFO Confirmation that things are working as expected.

What you need is"test")

Solution 2

You are trying to call logging.INFO, which is an integer constant denoting one of the pre-defined logging levels:

>>> import logging
>>> logging.INFO
>>> type(logging.INFO)
<type 'int'>

You probably wanted to use the function (note, all lowercase) instead:

Logs a message with level INFO on this logger. The arguments are interpreted as for debug().


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Updated on August 11, 2020


  • FrUh
    FrUh almost 4 years

    Could you please help me, whats wrong.

    import logging
    if (__name__ == "__main__"):
        logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s::%(module)s::%(funcName)s() %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)

    And I can't run it, I've got an error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/htfuws/Programming/Python/just-kidding/", line 5, in 
    TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

    Thank you very much.

    • Matt
      Matt almost 11 years
      Is this the whole code?
  • FrUh
    FrUh almost 11 years
    thank you very much, I was using it in my previuos project and I was wondering why it doesn't work. AND I DID NOT NOTICE the LOWER CASE. Ah.
  • FrUh
    FrUh almost 11 years
    thank you very much, I was using it in my previuos project and I was wondering why it doesn't work. AND I DID NOT NOTICE the LOWER CASE. Ah.
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters almost 11 years
    And you did not notice the CAPS LOCK either, by the looks of it. :-P (And sorry, you can only mark one answer as accepted, thanks for the brief acceptance though!)
  • alphazwest
    alphazwest over 4 years
    my god man, this has been the source of so much frustration for me.