Python memoising/deferred lookup property decorator


Solution 1

For all sorts of great utilities I'm using boltons.

As part of that library you have cachedproperty:

from boltons.cacheutils import cachedproperty

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 4

    def cached_prop(self):
        self.value += 1
        return self.value

f = Foo()
print(f.value)  # initial value
print(f.cached_prop)  # cached property is calculated
f.value = 1
print(f.cached_prop)  # same value for the cached property - it isn't calculated again
print(f.value)  # the backing value is different (it's essentially unrelated value)

Solution 2

Here is an example implementation of a lazy property decorator:

import functools

def lazyprop(fn):
    attr_name = '_lazy_' + fn.__name__

    def _lazyprop(self):
        if not hasattr(self, attr_name):
            setattr(self, attr_name, fn(self))
        return getattr(self, attr_name)

    return _lazyprop

class Test(object):

    def a(self):
        print 'generating "a"'
        return range(5)

Interactive session:

>>> t = Test()
>>> t.__dict__
>>> t.a
generating "a"
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> t.__dict__
{'_lazy_a': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
>>> t.a
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Solution 3

I wrote this one for myself... To be used for true one-time calculated lazy properties. I like it because it avoids sticking extra attributes on objects, and once activated does not waste time checking for attribute presence, etc.:

import functools

class lazy_property(object):
    meant to be used for lazy evaluation of an object attribute.
    property should represent non-mutable data, as it replaces itself.

    def __init__(self, fget):
        self.fget = fget

        # copy the getter function's docstring and other attributes
        functools.update_wrapper(self, fget)

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        if obj is None:
            return self

        value = self.fget(obj)
        setattr(obj, self.fget.__name__, value)
        return value

class Test(object):

    def results(self):
        calcs = 1  # Do a lot of calculation here
        return calcs

Note: The lazy_property class is a non-data descriptor, which means it is read-only. Adding a __set__ method would prevent it from working correctly.

Solution 4

property is a class. A descriptor to be exact. Simply derive from it and implement the desired behavior.

class lazyproperty(property):

class testA(object):
  a = lazyproperty('_a')
  b = lazyproperty('_b')

Solution 5

Here's a callable that takes an optional timeout argument, in the __call__ you could also copy over the __name__, __doc__, __module__ from func's namespace:

import time

class Lazyproperty(object):

    def __init__(self, timeout=None):
        self.timeout = timeout
        self._cache = {}

    def __call__(self, func):
        self.func = func
        return self

    def __get__(self, obj, objcls):
        if obj not in self._cache or \
          (self.timeout and time.time() - self._cache[key][1] > self.timeout):
            self._cache[obj] = (self.func(obj), time.time())
        return self._cache[obj]


class Foo(object):

    def bar(self):
        return 'bar'

>>> x = Foo()
>>> print(
>>> print(
...(waiting 10 seconds)...
>>> print(

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Updated on July 08, 2022


  • detly
    detly almost 2 years

    Recently I've gone through an existing code base containing many classes where instance attributes reflect values stored in a database. I've refactored a lot of these attributes to have their database lookups be deferred, ie. not be initialised in the constructor but only upon first read. These attributes do not change over the lifetime of the instance, but they're a real bottleneck to calculate that first time and only really accessed for special cases. Hence they can also be cached after they've been retrieved from the database (this therefore fits the definition of memoisation where the input is simply "no input").

    I find myself typing the following snippet of code over and over again for various attributes across various classes:

    class testA(object):
      def __init__(self):
        self._a = None
        self._b = None
      def a(self):
        if self._a is None:
          # Calculate the attribute now
          self._a = 7
        return self._a
      def b(self):

    Is there an existing decorator to do this already in Python that I'm simply unaware of? Or, is there a reasonably simple way to define a decorator that does this?

    I'm working under Python 2.5, but 2.6 answers might still be interesting if they are significantly different.


    This question was asked before Python included a lot of ready-made decorators for this. I have updated it only to correct terminology.

    • Bamcclur
      Bamcclur almost 8 years
      I'm using Python 2.7, and I don't see anything about ready-made decorators for this. Can you provide a link to the ready-made decorators that are mentioned in the question?
    • detly
      detly almost 8 years
      @Bamcclur sorry, there used to be other comments detailing them, not sure why they got deleted. The only one I can find right now is a Python 3 one: functools.lru_cache().
    • Guy
      Guy over 7 years
      Not sure there are built-ins (at least Python 2.7), but there's the Boltons library's cachedproperty
    • detly
      detly about 7 years
      @guyarad I didn't see this comment until now. That is a fantastic library! Post that as an answer so I can upvote it.
  • Mike Boers
    Mike Boers about 14 years
    Can someone recommend an appropriate name for the inner function? I'm so bad at naming things in the morning...
  • spenthil
    spenthil about 14 years
    I usually name the inner function the same as the outer function with a preceding underscore. So "_lazyprop" - follows the "internal use only" philosophy of pep 8.
  • detly
    detly about 14 years
    This works great :) I don't know why it never occurred to me to use a decorator on a nested function like that, too.
  • Admin
    Admin over 11 years
    given the non-data descriptor protocol, this one is much slower and less elegant than the answer below using __get__
  • Mike Boers
    Mike Boers over 11 years
    @Ronny: I agree, although I believe this answer is more approachable. Either way, +1 on the other answer.
  • Paul Etherton
    Paul Etherton almost 11 years
    This took a little while to understand but is an absolutely stunning answer. I like how the function itself is replaced by the value it calculates.
  • André Caron
    André Caron over 10 years
    For posterity: other versions of this have been proposed in other answers since (ref 1and 2). Seems this is a popular one in Python web frameworks (derivatives exist in Pyramid and Werkzeug).
  • divieira
    divieira over 10 years
    Thanks for noting that Werkzeug has werkzeug.utils.cached_property:‌​y
  • Dave Butler
    Dave Butler over 10 years
    I found this method to be 7.6 times faster than the selected answer. (2.45 µs / 322 ns) See ipython notebook
  • letmaik
    letmaik about 10 years
    Tip: Put a @wraps(fn) below @property to not loose your doc strings etc. (wraps comes from functools)
  • Sorin Neacsu
    Sorin Neacsu over 9 years
    Here's a more complete implementation, including setting/invalidating cached values, complete with unit tests:
  • detly
    detly over 8 years
    I used the term "lazy" because in the original implementation, the member was computed/retrieved from a DB at the time of object initialisation, and I want to defer that computation until the property was actually used in a template. This seemed to me to match the definition of laziness. I agree that since my question already assumes a solution using @property, "lazy" doesn't make a lot of sense at that point. (I also thought of memoisation as a map of inputs to cached outputs, and since these properties have only one input, nothing, a map seemed like more complexity than necessary.)
  • detly
    detly over 8 years
    Note that all of the decorators that people have suggested as "out of the box" solutions didn't exist when I asked this, either.
  • poindexter
    poindexter over 8 years
    I agree with Jason, this is a question about caching/memoization not lazy evaluation.
  • detly
    detly over 8 years
    @poindexter - Caching doesn't quite cover it; it does not distinguish looking the value up at object init time and caching it from looking the value up and caching it when the property is accessed (which is the key feature here). What should I call it? "Cache-after-first-use" decorator?
  • poindexter
    poindexter over 8 years
    @detly Memoize. You should call it Memoize.
  • detly
    detly about 8 years
    @poindexter Memoisation requires inputs. I suppose you could consider "no input" to be a special case of memoisation where there is only ever one input (nothing), but again, I think the term implies more than what is going on here to anyone asking the question.
  • detly
    detly about 8 years
    @poindexter Although now that I've said that I see the point. I've corrected the terminology I've used in the question. Thanks for the feedback. I will flag this answer for deletion though, since it's really a comment.
  • tribbloid
    tribbloid over 7 years
    Sorry did you make a typo on the indentation of 'return _lazyprop' line?
  • detly
    detly over 7 years
    Nice one, does exactly what I needed... although Pyramid might be a big dependency for one decorator :)
  • Engineero
    Engineero about 7 years
    I name the inner function wrapper, but I bet that's technically incorrect somehow :P
  • detly
    detly about 7 years
    Turns out lru_cache is a bit useless for this on methods, because it just sees each object instance as an argument, leading to problems with hashability etc.
  • Evan Borgstrom
    Evan Borgstrom about 7 years
    EAFP instead of LYBL: Instead of checking if an attr exists, just assume it does and handle when it doesn't in an except block. For properties accessed very frequently in busy code the data heuristics are much better when you only have to getattr.
  • detly
    detly about 7 years
    I'm changing the accepted answer now (sorry @MikeBoers!) because after a few years, there's now a good library that does it that's widely available. I think it's wiser to point people to that.
  • scanny
    scanny almost 6 years
    NB: this does not prevent assignment to fget the way @property does. To ensure immutability/idempotence, you need to add a __set__() method that raises AttributeError('can\'t set attribute') (or whatever exception/message suits you, but this is what property raises). This unfortunately comes with a performance impact of a fraction of a microsecond because __get__() will be called on each access rather than pulling fget value from dict on second and subsequent access. Well worth it in my opinion to maintain immutability/idempotence, which is key for my use cases, but YMMV.
  • Peter Wood
    Peter Wood almost 6 years
    @detly The decorator implementation is simple, and you could implement it yourself, no need for the pyramid dependency.
  • Antti Haapala -- Слава Україні
    Antti Haapala -- Слава Україні almost 6 years
    Hence the link says "source linked" :D
  • Peter Wood
    Peter Wood almost 6 years
    @AnttiHaapala I noticed, but thought I'd highlight that it's simple to implement for those that don't follow the link.
  • fitz
    fitz almost 4 years
    @Cyclone, Your answer is very enlightening, but i don't understand why it, inside the __get__() method, need if obj is None, and when the obj can be None?