Python NameError: global name 'resolution' is not defined


Make the following changes to your script:

Below line def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB): add the following to it, so it looks like this:

def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB):
    global resolution

or add resolution = "" above the def line like this:

resolution = ""
def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB):

Hope that helps ;)


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Cazforshort
    Cazforshort over 1 year

    I cant seem to get certain records to modify in my public database. The error is

    Error saving record <CKRecordID: XXXXXXX; recordName=XXXXXX, zoneID=_defaultZone:defaultOwner> to server: WRITE operation not permitted

    I don't understand why it says "Write not permitted" because I have all the correct Security Roles checked off in the dashboard. I also confirmed that it is signed into Icloud before I try to modify the record.

    This is the relevant code:

    // MARK: - Modify Updates in Cloudkit
    static func modifyUpdates(item: pushNote, completion: @escaping (Result<pushNote, Error>) ->
        ()) {
        guard let recordID = item.recordID else { return }
        CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase.fetch(withRecordID: recordID) { (record, err) in
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                if let err = err {
                guard let record = record else { return }
                record["updates"] = item.updates as CKRecordValue
                CKContainer.default() { (record, err) in
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        if let err = err {
                        guard let record = record else { return }
                        let id = record.recordID
                        guard let updts = record["updates"] as? [String] else { return }
                        guard let boss = record["bossID"] as? String else { return }
                        let element = pushNote(recordID:id, bossID: boss, updates : updts)
  • TellMeWhy
    TellMeWhy about 8 years
    Isn't using global parameters bad practice though?