python pandas dataframe head() displays nothing


Solution 1

You have to use:


Without the print statement python is just selecting the data but not doing anything with it.

Solution 2

You may expect this would show some row after seeing how other does. But this only appear only in terminal environment. Just like the above answer, you need an print() to show row while you are using ide

Author by


Updated on April 26, 2020


  • Lauref
    Lauref about 4 years

    I am new to using pandas and I just don't know what to do with this :

    I am using python. I have (properly) installed anaconda. In my file I simply create a DataFrame (first by importing it from read_csv, then recreating it by hand to make sure that was not the problem). When I do print (dataframe) it prints:

            km |  price
    0  | 240000 |  3650
    23  | 61789 |  8290

    When I do I get this :

    class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'
    Int64Index: 24 entries, 0 to 23
    Data columns (total 2 columns):
    km       24 non-null int64
    price    24 non-null int64
    dtypes: int64(2)
    memory usage: 576.0 bytes

    Which is perfect. But any other simple function I try just displays NOTHING. I tried dataframe.head(), dataframe['km'], dataframe[3:6], etc. No errors, just a big bowl of nothing on my terminal.

    Edit to add example code:

    import pandas as pd 
    import numpy as np 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    pd.set_option('max_columns', 50) 
    data = {'km': [240000, 139800, 150500, 185530, 176000, 114800, 166800, 89000, 144500, 84000, 82029, 63060, 74000, 97500, 67000, 76025, 48235, 93000, 60949, 65674, 54000, 68500, 22899, 61789], 'price': [3650, 3800, 4400, 4450, 5250, 5350, 5800, 5990, 5999, 6200, 6390, 6390, 6600, 6800, 6800, 6900, 6900, 6990, 7490, 7555, 7990, 7990, 7990, 8290]} 
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['km', 'price']) 
    print (df) 