QTableWidget - Change the row color


There is no function that performs this task, but we can create it, for example:

def setColortoRow(table, rowIndex, color):
    for j in range(table.columnCount()):
        table.item(rowIndex, j).setBackground(color)

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Updated on February 13, 2021


  • stepBystep
    stepBystep over 3 years

    I'm trying to change the background color of a QTableWidget row. There are some others posts about the same thing but none of the given solutions worked for me.

    • With that solution, we are setting the background on an already existing item in the table to a light grey on the item at row 0, column 1:


    It's working, but set background for the row with iterating needs more time if you have more then one table. I need a function to change the row background by passing only the row index!