Query is locking tables, can't kill that process


Solution 1

When you run a MySQL instance on RDS and want to kill a thread or a query for some reason, you’ll find you cannot use KILL or mysqladmin kill because you don’t have a permission to do so.

RDS provides the stored procedures named mysql.rds_kill and mysql.rds_kill_query which will kill a thread and a query respectively. To kill a thread, first use SHOW PROCESSLIST to get the list of threads and find the id of the thread you want to kill. Assuming the thread id is 53512, then use

CALL mysql.rds_kill(53512)

Source: http://snak.tumblr.com/post/13856391340/killing-a-thread-or-query-of-mysql-running-on-rds

Solution 2

The KILL command requests the query terminate, and the state of the command should show up as Killed. There's no way to force-kill something and have it terminate immediately.

As a last resort you can always shut-down and restart your mysqld server process.

Solution 3

You need to run following command to kill the process.

> show processlist;  
> kill query processId;

Query parameter specifies that we need to kill query command process.

The syntax for kill process as follows

KILL [CONNECTION | QUERY] processlist_id

Please refer this link for more information.

Solution 4

you should try to kill the mysql/sql service on you computer first and than tray to kill the the program you are runnen white the query.

hope it will work for you

Author by


Updated on July 19, 2022


  • Mike
    Mike almost 2 years

    I have a query locking tables in MySQL (using InnoDB):

    UPDATE table SET status = 2 WHERE status = 3

    This query caused a deadlock on the table and can't bypass it.

    I tried to do:

    show processlist

    then kill the process id but i can't seems to kill it

    I tried:

    kill 9588

    9588 is the process id.

    Then I do show processlist I still see the same query on the list.

    How can I force killing this process and then why would this query cause a dead lock? how can I fix it?

  • Mike
    Mike about 11 years
    okay this killed the query. Thanks But I am hitting dead locks!
  • Robert Heeren
    Robert Heeren about 11 years
    maybe i could help you with your query if you tell me a little more about your database and what your trying to do. if you didn't solved it jet.
  • mopo922
    mopo922 almost 9 years
    This answer could be better by providing a sample command to kill mysql.
  • fideloper
    fideloper almost 8 years
  • Suresh Velusamy
    Suresh Velusamy about 5 years
    Snippet for quickly create stored procedures : Select concat('CALL mysql.rds_kill(',id,');') from information_schema.processlist;