"bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off” error when running shellcode"


Solution 1

Just remove /dev/console

cd /dev
rm -f console
ln -s ttyS0 console

edit/change the /etc/inittab content




Solution 2

If you can change the command of the shell, try:sh +m instead of sh. That worked perfectly for me.

Solution 3

This mean that advanced commands such as Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+C are not available, because sh is not writing to a tty, but to a socket. For this reason, sh will not support background processes (command &) and the associated bg/fg/disown/jobs commands. But note that processes forking themselves and closing their inputs will still work.

You might have noticed that if a background jobs tries to read data from the terminal, the shell stops it (as in, SIGSTOP) and informs you that it has paused the process. If the shell does not do so, you have a race condition and what you write may end up in the background process or in the shell. This makes for an interesting and infuriating mess in your shell session.

Either use a more elaborate shellcode that creates a virtual terminal (but that's not a shellcode anymore once that happens), or just be aware that your ugly hack has limitations.


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I recently graduated from Duke University as a computer science and economics double major. I am now working full time as a software developer. I am proficient in Objective-C and Java, and I know (to some degree) C, C++, Python, Perl, SML, Assembly, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Nosrettap
    Nosrettap almost 2 years

    I'm writing shellcode to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability on a server. To do so I have port binding shellcode that I send to the server and then I run (from a linux terminal) the command telnet serverAdress 4444 where 4444 is the port which I have opened up. The hope is that I will receive a shell back that I can use to execute commands. However, I always end up with the command

    bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

    I can't change any of the server code, and I believe the shellcode is correct because I got it from this website (http://www.tsirogiannis.com/exploits-vulnerabilities-videos-papers-shellcode/linuxx86-port-binding-shellcode-xor-encoded-152-bytes/). From my research, it appears that this may have to do with the mode that my terminal is running in (something called interactive mode...or something like that).

    All computers involved are linux machines and the machine that I am on is running the latest version of Ubuntu.

    Any ideas what this job control error means and how I can fix it?

  • Jon Bringhurst
    Jon Bringhurst over 11 years
    Why does this work?
  • not2qubit
    not2qubit about 10 years
    Probably because the console is not allowed by the shell to be a controlling terminal. But I have no idea why that is.
  • MycrofD
    MycrofD about 9 years
    How to make the edit "::askfirst:/bin/sh" to "ttyS0::askfirst:/bin/sh". What commands should be given ? Bcoz it says "/bin/sh: ::askfirst:/bin/sh: not found"
  • Archemar
    Archemar about 8 years
    I failt to see how this can have any relation with question.
  • Mila Nautikus
    Mila Nautikus about 2 years
    this will disable job control completely, and only remove the initial warning job control turned off