"Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually"


Solution 1

Usually it will happen in shared web hosting, but also some times on individual server, if the permission of tmp folder is set wrong.

Many people suggest to modify the file: /lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php to fix this problem. However, it may be a trap when you upgrade your Magento, as this file resides as core file of Magento. I recommend to use Magento's override feature.

Firstly, copy /lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php to /app/code/local/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php.

Then on line 91 or near this line, you will find:

'cache_dir' => null,

Change to:

'cache_dir' => "var/tmp/",

You can change the cache folder wherever you want. Now create a directory named tmp(or whatever name you have given above) under var folder and change the permission to 777 if necessary.

Solution 2

This is only the permission issue. Just set the 777 permission to the cache directory and you are all done. try it.

For more details you can follow the link.

When ever you set the permission be sure it is recurrsively set..

chmod 777 -R /var/cache

this is the function

    public function getTmpDir()
            $tmpdir = array();
            foreach (array($_ENV, $_SERVER) as $tab) {
                foreach (array('TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP', 'windir', 'SystemRoot') as $key) {
                    if (isset($tab[$key])) {
                        if (($key == 'windir') or ($key == 'SystemRoot')) {
                            $dir = realpath($tab[$key] . '\\temp');
                        } else {
                            $dir = realpath($tab[$key]);
                        if ($this->_isGoodTmpDir($dir)) {
                            return $dir;
            $upload = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
            if ($upload) {
                $dir = realpath($upload);
                if ($this->_isGoodTmpDir($dir)) {
                    return $dir;
            if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
                $dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
                if ($this->_isGoodTmpDir($dir)) {
                    return $dir;
            // Attemp to detect by creating a temporary file
            $tempFile = tempnam(md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)), '');
            if ($tempFile) {
                $dir = realpath(dirname($tempFile));
                if ($this->_isGoodTmpDir($dir)) {
                    return $dir;
            if ($this->_isGoodTmpDir('/tmp')) {
                return '/tmp';
            if ($this->_isGoodTmpDir('\\temp')) {
                return '\\temp';
            Zend_Cache::throwException('Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually');

defined in file lib/Zend/Cache/Backend.php


Solution 3

  1. Create tmp folder in root of your magento installation with 777 permissions.
  2. Open lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php
  3. Find $_options property and change line: 'cache_dir' => null, to 'cache_dir' => 'tmp',
  4. Refresh page.

Solution 4

Create an info.php and check for the path beneath upload_tmp_dir to be writable for the webserver.

<?php phpinfo();

Otherwise set the path in your hosting environment. Beware that this setting can not be placed within .htaccess files but some hosters allow individual php.ini files to be placed in your docroot:

upload_tmp_dir = /path/to/docroot/var/tmp/
Author by


Strong engineering background related to Software Development, Machine Learning and CI/CD. Experienced in e-commerce, real-estate, online marketing, adult and gambling industries. Specialties: Machine Learning, eCommerce, CRM solutions and System applications. Expert in PHP and Python, familiar with Java EE and Java for Android.

Updated on November 01, 2020


  • gSorry
    gSorry over 3 years

    Magento admin throws an exception:

    Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually

    It is fresh instalation on new hosting package.

  • gSorry
    gSorry about 10 years
    NOTE: if compilation is turned ON, then step 5. Open includes/source/Zend_Cache_Backend_File.php and make same changes as in File.php file. Then run compilation process again.
  • Martin
    Martin almost 8 years
    this should be right answer instead of changing magento core files.
  • tim.baker
    tim.baker almost 7 years
    Any idea why this doesn't work? Changing it directly in the /lib/ file does work as a proof the folder is there with permissions etc but when in the /app/ directory it has no effect. Have tried re running setup:di:compile but not sure if that is right
  • Mohit Kumar Arora
    Mohit Kumar Arora almost 7 years
    Hi @tim-baker, my solution is tested for Magento version 1.x. I think you are searching for the solution in Magento 2.x.
  • tim.baker
    tim.baker almost 7 years
    I am indeed, would it be a override in the normal way for magento 2?
  • tim.baker
    tim.baker almost 7 years
    Never mind, got the answer! (php.ini) magento.stackexchange.com/questions/93740/…
  • Vishal Baraiya
    Vishal Baraiya over 4 years
    perfect solution great job @Mohit Kumar Arora