"There was no corresponding route" through Flutter web URL


The reason for this is that you are returning your Start widget in another MaterialApp.

The first MaterialApp widget you return will try to handle the incoming URL.

So your structure is as follows:

-- entrypoint (runApp)
  Start -- your widget
      // the routes live here

The first MaterialApp has no routes, which causes the error.

Consequently, the only change you need to make is to transform your structure into this:

-- entrypoint (runApp)
Start -- your widget
    // the routes live here


Change your void main() => runApp(new MaterialApp(home: Start())); to the following:

void main() => runApp(Start());
Author by


Updated on December 24, 2022


  • Mark
    Mark over 1 year

    I am using named routes for navigation in my Flutter Web application. When navigating to the desired route the URL updates but I cannot navigate directly to the route through the URL bar. Every time I try adding a path in the URL it takes me to ".../#/"

    When performing a hot reload with an updated URL I get the following error:

    Could not navigate to initial route.
    The requested route name was: "/Page_One"
    There was no corresponding route in the app, and therefore the initial route specified will be ignored and "/" will be used instead.
    class Start extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          title: 'My Site',
          theme: ThemeData(...),
          initialRoute: '/',
          routes: <String, WidgetBuilder> {
            "/": (context) => MainPage(),
            "/Page_One": (context) => Page2(0),
            "/Page_Two": (context) => Page2(1),
            "/Page_Three": (context) => Page2(2),

    EDIT: I have also tried this with onGenerateRoute with no luck.

    EDIT2: I am calling these both on a production URL and localhost (ex. http://localhost:12345/#/Page_Two. No, localhost:12345/Page_Two and localhost:12345/#Page_Two do not work either.

    Edit3: I am calling runApp by void main() => runApp(new MaterialApp(home: Start()));

  • Mark
    Mark over 3 years
    Wow, I have been using a very outdated flutter project template and did not even notice that redundancy. This not only fixed this error but also a few issues with other projects using this template. Thank you!
  • Shashwat Aditya
    Shashwat Aditya over 3 years
    Perfect solution! I had worked on this bug for a long time. Turned out that I was using a future builder for managing the Firebase.initializeApp() with another MaterialApp widget. Thanks for this @creativecreatorormaybenot
  • foobar8675
    foobar8675 almost 3 years
    Thank you for this!