R - How can I plot multiple histograms together?


I'd be inclined to do this with facets. Otherwise, with your dataset, the result are incomprehensible.

gg <- melt(wt)
ggplot(gg, aes(x=value, fill=variable)) +

EDIT: Response to OP's comment.

melt(...) converts a data frame from "wide" format - data in different columns - to "long" format - all the data in one column, with a second column distinguishing between the different types of data (e.g., identifying which column the data in the row came from).

If you use melt(...) with the defaults, as above, it creates a data frame with two columns: $value contains the actual data, and $variable contains the names of the column (in the starting data frame) that this data came from. Compare wt and gg and I think you'll see what I mean.

So here we use value for the x-axis, and group the data based on variable.

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Updated on March 15, 2020


  • Slavatron
    Slavatron over 4 years

    I have a dataframe with four columns that looks like this:

    Beef-Low    Beef-High   Cereal-Low  Cereal-High
    90          73          107         98
    76          102         95          74
    90          118         97          56
    64          104         80          111
    86          81          98          95
    51          107         74          88
    72          100         74          82
    90          87          67          77
    95          117         89          86
    78          111         58          92

    I want to make a histogram showing all four columns as different-colored bars so I tried:

    > hist(wt$Beef.Low, main="Weight Gain Across Four Diets", xlab="Weight Gain", col="coral", xlim=c(0,120), ylim=c(0,4))
    > hist(wt$Beef.High, col="coral3", add=T)
    > hist(wt$Cereal.Low, col="yellow", add=T)
    > hist(wt$Cereal.High, col="yellow3", add=T)

    Which produced:


    I don't like the opaque nature of the bars because they mask the shapes of the overlapping histograms. I know that I can use the code found here to manually curate the colors of my histograms; but that seems like a tedious process and I feel sure that there must be a better way.

    Instead, I tried to copy what was done in this question

    > bl = wt$Beef.Low
    > bh = wt$Beef.High
    > cl = wt$Cereal.Low
    > ch = wt$Cereal.High
    > wts = rbind(bl,bh,cl,ch)
    > wtss = as.data.frame(wts)
    > ggplot(wtss, aes("Weight", fill="Diet")) + geom_histogram(alpha=0.5, aes(y = "Frequency"), position="identity")

    But it doesn't work and I don't understand the ggplot commands well enough to even have a clue as to why. Please help.