Rails Object Relationships and JSON Rendering


Solution 1

By default you'll only get the JSON that represents modelb in your example above. But, you can tell Rails to include the other related objects as well:

def export
  @export_data = ModelA.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
    format.json { render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => :modelb) }

You can even tell it to exclude certain fields if you don't want to see them in the export:

render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => { :modelb => { :except => [:created_at, updated_at]}})

Or, include only certain fields:

render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => { :modelb => { :only => :name }})

And you can nest those as deeply as you need (let's say that ModelB also has_many ModelC):

render :json => @export_data.to_json(:include => { :modelb => { :include => :modelc }})

If you want to include multiple child model associations, you can do the following:

render :json => @export_data.to_json(include: [:modelA, :modelB, :modelN...])

Solution 2

If you want a more flexible approach to rendering json, you can consider using the gem jbuilder: https://github.com/rails/jbuilder

It allows you to render custom attributes, instance variables, associations, reuse json partials in a convenient way.

M. Ryan
Author by

M. Ryan

Objective-C, and other things when I am forced to

Updated on October 10, 2020


  • M. Ryan
    M. Ryan over 3 years

    Disclaimer, I know very little about Rails. I'll try to be succinct. Given the following model relations in Rails:

    class ModelA < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :ModelB
    class ModelB < ActiveRecord::Base
        has_many :ModelA

    When calling the show action of the ModelA controller the returned JSON should show all ObjectAs that are children of the ObjectB of which the ObjectA in question is a child of.

    So if I have an ObjectB that contains ObjectA's of ID 1, 2 and 3 and then access: /modela/1.json

    I should see:

      "modelb": {
        "id": "1",
        "modela": [insert the ModelA JSON for ID's 1, 2 and 3]
    • Brian
      Brian almost 14 years
      can you share your controller code (especially the query being performed)?
    • M. Ryan
      M. Ryan almost 14 years
      The controller is huge. The query is just @tour = Tour.find(params[:id])
    • M. Ryan
      M. Ryan almost 7 years
  • Automatico
    Automatico almost 11 years
    If you want more than one include you add the as an array: @whatever.to_json(include: [:modelA, :modelB, :modelN...]).
  • Scalahansolo
    Scalahansolo about 10 years
    If I wanted to call this export function within a view to pull attributes from a specific model, how would I call this?
  • Piccolo
    Piccolo about 4 years
    And what would be the approach, if only ModelA width ID=2 should be included? Is there any other filtering method?