raising .net events from another class?


Solution 1

In C# the "event" keyword generates a private delegate member object. So it can be accessed only for the class where is defined. But you can expose a public method that will fire the event, and this method can be accessed from outside. I think that in VB is the same.

Solution 2

I'd be creating a Friend method that raises the event. Call that method instead or raising the event externally.

Class LoginClass

    Public Shared Event UserLoggedIn As EventHandler

    Friend Shared Sub OnUserLoggedIn(e As EventArgs)
        RaiseEvent UserLoggedIn(Me, e)
    End Sub
End Class
Author by


Industrial Controls developer for a Materials Handling manufacturer and integrator. I use a little bit of all the MS technologies to develop solutions for our clients. In my spare time I work on cars. If you downvote my questions would you mind leaving a comment to let me know what you thought was lacking from my question? I always try to provide as much issue context and source code to help others understand what i'm going through and your comments will help me get better at this. Thanks and happy coding! Try not to be a Stack Exchange elitist. Belittlement is not considered helpful. Everyone's here to learn after all.

Updated on October 27, 2022


  • TWood
    TWood over 1 year

    can I call shared events contained in one class from another class?

    for example:

    logonclass.vb : handles login logic and authenticates against database

    logonmanager.vb: hold current user reference and some logon and timeout events

    Logon.vb: A form with a submit button.

    I would like to do something like this but I can't get the compiler to agree with it

    If VerifyEntries() Then
                privLvl = LoginClass.AttemptLogin(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text)
            End Try
            If privLvl > 0 Then
                'RaiseEvent LoginClass.UserLoggedIn()
                'RaiseEvent LoginManager.UIdisplaychange(privLvl)
            End If
        End If

    If this isn't the proper way to wire things together let me know so I can learn to structure differently. In my planning it seemed like I was raising a lot of extra duplicate events from my logonclass to my loginmanager class. Then the loginmanager had to raise it again for the main form to see the change event. It got me thinking that if I publicly shared the events and could raise them from wherever then it would cut down on the amount of events I needed in code and the amount of them flying around at runtime.

  • TWood
    TWood over 12 years
    Ok. I see now. I'll have to expose the event if I want others to see it.
  • Hand-E-Food
    Hand-E-Food over 12 years
    Okay, coffee hasn't kicked in yet. My answer's exactly the same as yours. :-)