React Native: No propType for native prop RCTView.maxHeight


Solution 1

The reason for this error was that another instance of React packager (still on 0.28) was running in the background at the time after I updated to 0.30.

Restarting React packager solved the problem.

Solution 2

I restarted the react native by react-native start and it solved my issue.

Solution 3

I was getting this same error message, although in my case it was caused by incompatibilities between dependencies.

What I did to solve it was:

  1. Create a new project using create-react-native-app foo. This should install compatible dependencies.
  2. Open your project's package.json and update the versions of the dependencies to match those in foo's package.json.
  3. Check that expo version match the sdkVersion in the file app.json and update if necessary.
  4. Delete node_modules and reinstall all the packages.

I hope it helps!

Solution 4

In my case react-server and react-project were mismatched. I was running the wrong project with the wrong Node server.

Solution 5

Nothing of the above worked for me, but yarn cache clean did the trick.

Peter G.
Author by

Peter G.

My profile is that of a software product owner with a strong engineering background. I like building end-to-end solutions that typically require a mix of technical skills, business skills, and mathematical knowledge. I understand how to optimize data algorithms, and how to explain my findings. My technical background allows me to deal with data at scale. I'm an active learner with a strong aptitude towards technology and discovering the new. My areas of expertise are Mobile and Data Analytics. I have a niche for data-driven apps. That area poses a set of new challenges and opportunities and also it is one of the most rapidly growing fields.

Updated on June 06, 2022


  • Peter G.
    Peter G. almost 2 years

    After upgrading to RN 0.30 I started seeing the error shown below even when building the simplest possible app:

    react-native init AwesomeProject
    react-native run-ios
    • The strangest is that components BlurView, VibrancyView and RNSearchBar are included in the warning messages despite the project not using them.
    • Recompiling/cleaning the project doesn't fix the problem.

    Console & error:

    2016-07-22 08:48:02.985 [warn][tid:main][RCTEventEmitter.m:52] Sending `websocketFailed` with no listeners registered.
    2016-07-22 08:48:03.031 [warn][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Warning: Native component for "BlurView" does not exist
    2016-07-22 08:48:03.032 [warn][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Warning: Native component for "VibrancyView" does not exist
    2016-07-22 08:48:03.033 [warn][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Warning: Native component for "RNSearchBar" does not exist
    2016-07-22 08:48:03.040 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] `Constructor` has no propType for native prop `RCTView.maxHeight` of native type `CGFloat`
    If you haven't changed this prop yourself, this usually means that your versions of the native code and JavaScript code are out of sync. Updating both should make this error go away.
    2016-07-22 08:48:03.043 [fatal][tid:com.facebook.react.RCTExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled JS Exception: `Constructor` has no propType for native prop `RCTView.maxHeight` of native type `CGFloat`
    If you haven't changed this prop yourself, this usually means that your versions of the native code and JavaScript code are out of sync. Updating both should make this error go away.
    2016-07-22 08:48:03.102 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module.
    2016-07-22 08:48:03.104 [fatal][tid:com.facebook.react.RCTExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled JS Exception: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module.
