Reading file into array of struct c++


Solution 1

Your file has 15 lines, and so you can only read through 15 lines of data. You are using the variable SIZE to control how many lines should be read.

The problem is that SIZE is 50! It is not 15. When you are trying to read past the end of file, the input will not be read past the 16th line. So, the variables after index 15 will be uninitialized, which is undefined.

Either increase the amount of lines in your file to 50, or change SIZE to be 15.

Solution 2

As the other answer by @Rackete1111 states, you specified too many items, and had your loop that reads the data go over the actual number of items in your file.

Having said this, there really isn't anything wrong (besides wasting space if you presize your array too large) with overstating how many records you have, as long as you write the read loop correctly. The following is the way to write the loop, even if you made the "mistake" of stating 50 items instead of 15:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){
    const int SIZE=50;
    int i;
    struct Records {
        string firstname;
        string secondname;
        float test1mark;
        float midtestmark;
        float annualmark;

    Records record[SIZE];

    ifstream in("Data.txt");

    int recCount = 0;  // keep track of actual number of records

    // loop until we reach the end of file, or until we hit SIZE records,
    // whichever comes first
    while (!in.eof() && recCount < SIZE)
        in >> record[recCount].firstname >> record[recCount].secondname 
        >>record[recCount].test1mark >> record[recCount].midtestmark >> record[recCount].annualmark ;

    // now recCount == 15 if you have 15 items.

Live Example

Note we have a while loop that will read until the limit is reached (50), or we hit the end-of-file.

Avisaki Usamate
Author by

Avisaki Usamate

1st Year Undergraduate in Ba. of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Learning C++ language.

Updated on December 24, 2020


  • Avisaki Usamate
    Avisaki Usamate over 3 years

    I am trying to read a .txt file into an array of struct in this program and display the content.
    The file looks like this:

    Smith   Jack    60    45    98  
    Harry   Hisk    45    40    78  
    Kay     Jacob   35.5  23    45  
    Dos      hed    23    20    35  
    Noa      Tom    55    12    32  
    Joe      Peni   57    49    78  
    Vin      San    25.6  23    65.5  
    Jes      Dan    24.3  12    78  
    Zi       Lee    56    49    99  
    Angi     Dev    57    48    97  
    Donald   David  60    50    96  
    Davis    Lal    47    47    80  
    Alvis   Sen     56    46    85  
    Jack    Jill    45    45    75  
    Messy   Lionel  60    49    100  

    The code I'm running:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        const int SIZE=50;
        int i;
        struct Records {
            string firstname;
            string secondname;
            float test1mark;
            float midtestmark;
            float annualmark;
        ifstream in("Data.txt");
        if (!in){
        cerr << "File can't be opened! " << endl;
        for (int i=0; i < SIZE; i++){
        in >> record[i].firstname >> record[i].secondname 
        >>record[i].test1mark >> record[i].midtestmark >> record[i].annualmark ;
        for (int i=0;i< SIZE;i++) {
            cout << record[i].firstname<<"  ";
            cout << record[i].secondname<<" ";
            cout << record[i].test1mark<<"  ";
            cout << record[i].midtestmark << "  ";
            cout << record[i].annualmark << "   ";
    return 0;

    The output I'm getting:

    Smith   Jack    60      45      98  
    Harry   Hisk    45      40      78  
    Kay     Jacob   35.5    23      45  
    Dos     hed     23      20      35    
    Noa     Tom     55      12      32  
    Joe     Peni    57      49      78  
    Vin     San     25.6    23      65.5  
    Jes     Dan     24.3    12      78  
    Zi      Lee     56      49      99  
    Angi    Dev     57      48      97  
    Donald  David   60      50      96  
    Davis   Lal     47      47      80  
    Alvis   Sen     56      46      85  
    Jack    Jill    45      45      75  
    Messy   Lionel  60      49      100  
                    nan     0       8.94237e-039  
                    4.36192e-039    0       -2.3511e-038  
                    0       0       -2.3511e-038  
                    0       0       0  
                    1.32253e-038    0       1.32251e-038  
                    4.2039e-045     0       -2.11122e+037  
                    1.32251e-038    0       3.21276e-039  
                    1.4013e-045     0       -2.3511e-038  
                    1.4013e-045     0       3.76158e-037  
                    0       0       3.76158e-037  
                    0       0       1.12104e-044  
                    4.36195e-039    0       4.36194e-039  
                    3.57331e-043    0       6.0615e-039  
                    0       0       3.21276e-039  
                    4.2039e-045     0       6.41272e-039  
                    1.12104e-044    0       6.63812e-039  
                    4.36205e-039    0       -2.75237e+038  
                    0       0       6.59812e-039  
                    6.63426e-039    0       1.4013e-045  
                    0       0       6.47961e-039  
                    3.21319e-039    0       3.21319e-039  
                    6.59812e-039    0       3.21299e-039  
                    8.40779e-045    2.24208e-044    6.01433e-039  
                    6.6045e-039     0       2.54408e-029  
                    0       0       6.6045e-039  
                    0       0       6.43946e-039  
                    5.88656e-039    0       -4.12495e+011  
                    0       0       0
                    5.88656e-039    0       2.54408e-029  
                    nan     nan     6.43029e-039  
                    0       0       0
                    5.93823e-039    0       -4.12495e+011  
                    0       0       0
                    5.93823e-039    0       5.74532e-044  
                    nan     nan     5.93837e-039  

    Process exited after 0.05447 seconds with return value 0
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Can someone tell me what's wrong with it? I've tried using pointers but it just got worse. -Beginner