reCAPTCHA has already been rendered in this element


Solution 1

I had the same problem a couple days ago with a dynamic login and creation form. The reason was that I was rendering twice at the same element.

The Google ReCaptcha Throws an exception notifying said problem.

My solution was use try{...}catch(event){...} as wrapper for grecaptcha.render()

    grecaptcha.render('elementID', {
        'sitekey' : 'key',
        'badge' : 'att',
        'size' : 'att',
        'tabindex' : 0,
        'callback' : function(token) {
        'expired-callback' : function() {
        'error-callback' : function() {
        'isolated' : false
}catch(error){/*possible duplicated instances*/}`

Solution 2

For those who are using React with Firebase and in case this error occurs, you just have to destroy the instance of Recaptcha on unmount of your component.

useEffect(() => {
const verifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(element.current, {
  size: "invisible",
    if (!recaptcha) {
        verifier.verify().then(() => setRecaptcha(verifier));
return () => {
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Computer
    Computer almost 2 years

    I have a simple contact form built with ASP .Net using the updatepanel. Everything works as expected but i see the error

    recaptcha__en.js: Uncaught Error: reCAPTCHA has already been rendered in this element

    in the console window

    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
    <script src="" async defer></script>
    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
            <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="XXXX"></div>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        function pageLoad() {
            $('.g-recaptcha').each(function (index, obj) {
                grecaptcha.render(obj, { 'sitekey': 'XXXX' });

    I initially added onload=pageLoad&render=explicit as if the captcha was not checked and you clicked the button to send, the captcha disappeared. Adding onload=pageLoad&render=explicit to the script line resolved this but now i get the above error.

    If i try and remove some elements then something else breaks i.e. captcha doesnt display or is not displayed on postback?

  • notElonMusk
    notElonMusk over 3 years
    This makes sense. Could you provide the full page? Im interested in where you're getting recaptcha and setRecaptcha
  • Matheus Ribeiro
    Matheus Ribeiro almost 3 years
    did not work for me, still fires the error
  • Adam Azad
    Adam Azad over 2 years
    @itshinkswhenitscold, const [recaptcha, setRecaptcha] = useState()