Receiving "TypeError: the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not dict"


It should be hastags["trends"][0]["name"] to receive #RCBvKKR

Okay I fixed it. First, the posted code is confusing. The json you posted is not valid, (brackets are missing and name key has no value). Second , with your command json.dumps(trends), You are converting already valid python dictionary to a string, which is an array, thus the error, (string indices must be integers)

The fixed version is like this:

import json

trends = [{'trends': [{'name': '#RCBvKKR', 'url': '', 'promoted_content': None, 'query': '%23RCBvKKR', 'tweet_volume': 101508}, {'name':"This was missing", 'created_at': '2019-04-06T00:07:14Z', 'locations': [{'name': 'Bangalore', 'woeid': 2295420}]}]}]


Now the output is #RCBvKKR

If you indeed receive a json string from the API, use json.parse(response) to convert string to python dict.

Author by


Updated on June 27, 2022


  • Tweep
    Tweep almost 2 years

    I have a json output from Tweepy, which I'm now trying to parse through. For instance, some of the output are trending hashtags for a particular area. Since it is a large output, I'm trying to determine how to efficiently parse through all of the hashtags. There is other information in the json output such as userid, countrycode, etc... But I'm only interested in the hashtags which are listed as name: '#gamenight for instance.

    # using Tweepy
    import json 
    # Here is a portion of the Tweepy output I received
    trends = [{'trends': [{'name': '#RCBvKKR', 'url': '', 'promoted_content': None, 'query': '%23RCBvKKR', 'tweet_volume': 101508}, {'name': 'created_at': '2019-04-06T00:07:14Z', 'locations': [{'name': 'Bangalore', 'woeid': 2295420}]}]
    hashtags = json.dumps(trends)
    # Am trying to end up with a way of just extracting 'name' which I believe is how the hashtags are captured 
  • Tweep
    Tweep about 5 years
    I received another error TypeError: string indices must be integers
  • atakanyenel
    atakanyenel about 5 years
    @Tweep , yep I fixed it
  • Tweep
    Tweep about 5 years
    I think i mislabeled the Tweepy output I received as JSON, without really knowing if it was or not. I'm still trying to identify what format Tweepy output for api.trends_place comes in as. i.e. is it an array, hash, json?
  • Tweep
    Tweep about 5 years
    I'm also trying to retrieve every instance of 'name' not just '#RCBvKRR'