Redirect standard input dynamically in a bash script


Solution 1

First of all stdin is file descriptor 0 (zero) rather than 1 (which is stdout).

You can duplicate file descriptors or use filenames conditionally like this:

[[ some_condition ]] && exec 3<"$filename" || exec 3<&0

some_long_command_line <&3

Note that the command shown will execute the second exec if either the condition is false or the first exec fails. If you don't want a potential failure to do that then you should use an if / else:

if [[ some_condition ]]
    exec 3<"$filename"
    exec 3<&0

but then subsequent redirections from file descriptor 3 will fail if the first redirection failed (after the condition was true).

Solution 2

Standard input can also be represented by the special device file /dev/stdin, so using that as a filename will work.

./myscript < "$file"

Solution 3

    if [ ...some condition here... ]; then
        exec <$fileName
    exec ./myscript

In a subshell, conditionally redirect stdin and exec the script.

Solution 4

How about

function runfrom {
    local input="$1"
    case "$input" in
        -) "$@" ;;
        *) "$@" < "$input" ;;

I've used the minus sign to denote standard input because that's traditional for many Unix programs.

Now you write

[ ... condition ... ] && input="$fileName" || input="-"
runfrom "$input" my-complicated-command with many arguments

I find these functions/commands which take commands as arguments (like xargs(1)) can be very useful, and they compose well.

Solution 5

If you're careful, you can use 'eval' and your first idea.

[ ...some condition here... ] && input=$fileName || input="&1"
eval ./myScript < $input

However, you say that 'myScript' is actually a complex command invocation; if it involves arguments which might contain spaces, then you must be very careful before deciding to use 'eval'.

Frankly, worrying about the cost of a 'cat' command is probably not worth the trouble; it is unlikely to be the bottleneck.

Even better is to design myScript so that it works like a regular Unix filter - it reads from standard input unless it is given one or more files to work (like, say, cat or grep as examples). That design is based on long and sound experience - and is therefore worth emulating to avoid having to deal with problems such as this.

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Updated on December 20, 2020


  • Berkyjay
    Berkyjay over 3 years

    I was trying to do this to decide whether to redirect stdin to a file or not:

    [ ...some condition here... ] && input=$fileName || input="&0"
    ./myScript < $input

    But that doesn't work because when the variable $input is "&0", bash interprets it as a filename.

    However, I could just do:

    if [ ...condition... ];then
        ./myScript <$fileName

    The problem is that ./myScript is actually a long command line that I don't want to duplicate, nor do I want to create a function for it because it's not that long either (it's not worth it).

    Then it occurred to me to do this:

    [ ...condition... ] && input=$fileName || input=  #empty
    cat $input | ./myScript

    But that requires to run one more command and a pipe (i.e. a subshell).
    Is there another way that's simpler and more efficient?