Reference a specific class method with @see command using Doxygen


Solution 1

Copied from here

@see text | URL | classname | classname#methodname Use this to tag to refer the reader to some other source of related information.

So I guess it should be:

/// @see Server#start:

Solution 2

See the doxygen manual page Automatic link generation for more information on referencing classes and functions. In particular see the section "Links to Functions".

Typically, I use the function refernce pattern


So in your case, I would use

/// \see Server::start

However, from the doxygen manual

For JavaDoc compatibility a # may be used instead of a :: in the patterns above

as stated in @PeterG.'s answer.

For completeness, note that if you a reference a member in the same class

In the documentation of a class containing a member foo, a reference to a global variable is made using ::foo, whereas #foo will link to the member.

Author by


I am a computer programming enthusiastic with creative problem-solving skills. I have a strong background in computer graphics with scientific publications in the area and I have experience building 3D software that is capable of handling a very large amount of data efficiently. My experience covers the entire process of software development, including planning, testing, and deployment. Moreover, I have been working with 3D software since 2007.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • McLeary
    McLeary about 2 years

    I was not able to reference a specific class method using the doxygen @see command.

    Suppose I have a class Server with a method start like below

    @interface Server : NSObject
    - (void) start:(NSInteger) mask;

    And suppose I have another class that has an object of Server.

    @interface RandomNumberGeneration
    /// How can I reference the method start from 
    /// class server using the command @see
    /// @see ????
    + (NSInteger) generate;

    So, is there a way to reference the method start of class Server?

  • Chris
    Chris about 12 years
    +1 for the link to the blog post - a great introduction to using doxygen with Objective-C.
  • atreat
    atreat almost 10 years
    Doesn't seem to work for me. Has this changed recently? Using Xcode 5
  • Chris Sprague
    Chris Sprague almost 8 years
    Pretty late to the party, but make sure the method you are targeting with your @see has doxygen docs attached to it. My @see links weren't working until I added documentation to the methods that were being pointed at.