Refresh a directive in Angular


you might need to do:


in your controller function but if I could see a plunkr or some more code that would be helpful

make a plunkr, lets see everything, I'd like to know what element your directive is attached to. directives will "refresh" automatically if the value of that $scope is changed. again, making a plunkr will help, I don't know how everything is looking for you.


Try this:

Your directive:

premierApp.directive('tweetbutton', function($compile) {
   return {
       scope: { score: "@score" },
       templateUrl: 'premiers_tweetbutton.html'

And in the view

<div tweetbutton score="{{score}}"></div>
Jelle Van de Vliet
Author by

Jelle Van de Vliet

E-marketer and webdev enthusiast. Personal site: Jelle Van de Vliet

Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Jelle Van de Vliet
    Jelle Van de Vliet almost 2 years

    I'm rather new to Angular, so I'm not sure if "refreshing the directive" is worded correctly. I'm building a quiz in Angular and use djds4rce's angular-socialshare to display a twitter button.

    edit: sorry for the lack of info earlier. Here's more code:

    edit edit: Okay, this obviously has to do either with the angular-socialshare plugin OR the twitter button. When I do this to the twitter button:

    <a twitter data-text="{{score}}"></a>

    I see in my Developer tools in Chrome that it correctly shows the score of the user. However when I click the link, all of a sudden the text is back to "0".


    I get a list from an api. Each element (I call it premier) of that list has both a name and a 'correct' attribute.

    <button ng-click="validateClick(premier, $index)" 
    class="btn btn-default btn-game" 
    ng-class="{'disabled btn-danger': premier.isPremier, 'disabled btn-success': premier.isRandom}" 
    ng-repeat="premier in premiers" 

    And I display the score for the user:

    <span class="score" ng-bind="score"> </span>/70


    In my Angular controller I have a variable called score

    premierApp.controller('premierController', function ($scope, $http) {
    $scope.score = 0;
    //so if this correct value = "premier", Game Over! if it = "random", then the user gets a point
    $scope.validateClick = function (premier, index) {
        if (premier.correct == "premier") {
            premier.isPremier = true;
            $scope.gameOver = true;
        } else {
            premier.isRandom = true;

    and I'm using a directive to display a tweet button so the user can tweet his score:


    premierApp.directive('tweetbutton', function() {
        return {
            templateUrl: 'html_templates/premiers_tweetbutton.html',

    and the templateurl is this:

    <a twitter

    Right now the text (data-text) of the twitter button remains "0" (the standard value when I declared the variable in my Controller).

    How can I update the directive to display the new score that my app calculated?