Regex: extract numbers between text


Solution 1


Use this. It'll look for 4 digits with a non-digit following.


Solution 2

To get the last four digits.

  • \d{4} match the four digit character.
  • (?=\D*$) Only if the four digits are followed by a zero or more non-digit characters and the end of the line boundary.
  • So this matches the last 4 digits.
Author by


Updated on November 28, 2022


  • rookie
    rookie over 1 year

    currently I'm using such regex "(\d{4}\b)" in order to extract the numbers. Test string "test 125456 b", so the extract result is "5456".

    I wish to get the same result "5456" under the string "test125456b".

    I tried to use following regex


    but it works if only 4 digits (not more) are noted between letters.

    So, the aim is:

    • extract only digits from the text
    • extract only specific number of digits In this case 4) even in the text is given more
    • digits (in this case 4) should be extracted backwards
  • d0nut
    d0nut over 8 years
    @maraca that's what I get for doing regex in the morning I guess xD
  • Avinash Raj
    Avinash Raj over 8 years
    (?=[^\d]) equivalent to (?=\D)
  • d0nut
    d0nut over 8 years
    @AvinashRaj im so glad to hear that
  • Avinash Raj
    Avinash Raj over 8 years
    @maraca no, (?=[^\d]) won't match the end of the line boundary but (?!\d) match the end of the line boundary.
  • d0nut
    d0nut over 8 years
    Could we move this discussion to chat or something? I really dont like my phone blowing up with notifications on the technicalities of using one capture group over another at work
  • Simo Erkinheimo
    Simo Erkinheimo over 8 years
    The OP, and future readers stumbling across this answer, might learn more if you could add some text explaining why this works.