remove annoying highlighting Netbeans 7.2 C++


Solution 1

I know this is an old question but I thought what I have discovered might help others. :)

I had the same annoying problem and no matter what I could not remove the highlighting with the Tools->Fonts & Colours option mentioned here.

What actually did work is the Tools->Editor->Highlighting and turn off the "Mark Occurrences of Symbol Under Caret".

enter image description here

Solution 2

You can change the background color in Tools → Options → Fonts & Colors. Here you select Language: "C++" and Category: "Mark Occurrences." Select a different background color and be happy!

Screenshot of NetBeans 6.9.1 Options / Fonts & Colors window

It was so annoying to me too.

Solution 3

Simply deselect the icon I just "highlighted" with the black border

or type Alt+Shift+H

enter image description here

Solution 4

I've had the exact same problem with PHP.

Tools -> options -> font & color then choose your language and it should be there...

(in php, the name of the variable is "Mark Occurences")

Solution 5

netbeans yellow highlighting error I had this annoying problem on Netbeans 8.0.2, this is how I solved it step by step :

1) Tools > Options

2) Editor > Highlighting

3) Select Language Example - PHP

4) Uncheck the option ' Mark Occurrences of Symbol Under Caret'

5) Uncheck the option 'keep marks' before you apply changes to remove all the existing marks. ( I found out that leaving this option checked keeps the existing highlight)


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Nash Vail
Author by

Nash Vail

SOreadytohelp Always

Updated on June 03, 2022


  • Nash Vail
    Nash Vail about 2 years

    Anytime I write a variable's name I get this annoying IDK green or yellow highlight . What is it ? how to get rid of it?
    Image here:
    enter image description here

    • toniedzwiedz
      toniedzwiedz almost 12 years
      Is it constant or temporary behavior? If it is constant, go to Tools>Options, select the Fonts & Colors tab. Select C++ in the Language dropdown. Then, from the other dropdown, select whatever the variable is called. I don't have C++ installed. In Java, I have local variable declaration, it should be similar. You can choose foreground and background color from there.
  • Joseph Quinsey
    Joseph Quinsey about 9 years
    In Nebeans 8, just unchecking "Keep Marks' works for me.
  • Ahmad Moussa
    Ahmad Moussa almost 8 years
    Joseph Quinsey thank you thats exactly what I was looking for